Sunday, December 20, 2009


Soooo, thankfully the car accident wasn't too bad and I was able to walk away from it relatively unscathed. Thanks be to God that LG was/is okay too!!!! Thank you Lordy that the boys weren't in the car with me!!

All that said, I guess it was a bit worse than I initially thought. :-/ I have to go to physical therapy twice a week for the forseeable future because of some debilitating back pain! Like, I can't do anything without pain. I can't sit, stand, lay down, walk, bend over, thrust (yes, I'm quite the avid thruster), etc without pain. It's pretty bad. BUT, it could always be worse, so I'm not complaining.

The pain is in my lower back on the left side. Right above the ever-expanding derriere! It's like right on the edge.... which makes my massages quite interesting. I lost any modicum of modesty many moons ago, so I just lay there and get pampered. Well, I did. Until I realized those seemingly heavenly massages would become a nightmare afterwards. How can that beeeee????? Thus, I had to stop getting them. I was in more pain after the therapy session than before. *tears*

Anyway, that's what I've been up to recently. Struggling with pain and trying to get ready for Little Girl to arrive. She'll be here before we know it!!

I'll have to remember to tell you about the poltergeist another time.... *gas face*

Monday, November 9, 2009


Where out thou oh fair-weathered friend????

It is no secret that sleep and I are BFF's! Seriously, when asked what my 3 favorite pasttimes are I always say, 1) trying new restaurants, 2) watching a movie, and 3) SLEEPING!

I even bet that if there was a sleeping competition, I could give some narcaleptics a good run for their money!! At least that was true pre kiddies. Even after the boys were born, I could still hang with the best sleepers out there.. I just didn't have much opportunity to show off my "skillzz!" Nowadays, I'm lucky if I get more than 5 hours each night. Ummmm, yes, I said 5 hours!!! I've been averaging closer to 3-4 hours and I gotta say - it's killing me!!! UGGHHH!

This has not been an easy pregnancy but we're getting through it. Sometimes I joke that "Little Girl (or LG)" doesn't really care for me just yet. I mean, it did take me a few months to even acknowledge her forthcoming presence. I'm fully on board now, and truly excited to add some estrogen to the house - but uhhh, I think she still holds a bit of a grudge.

So, she's making me pay for it in the most painful way possible - taking away one of my greatest joys. Dreamland. Mr. Sandman's paradise. Stupor-burg. Sleep de Ville. Whatever cute name you want to give, please just send it my way. Man, I miss my sleep.

And the further along I get in the pregnancy, the worse it gets! Ahhhh, that can't be. I'm only 26 weeks along.... does that mean I'll only be getting a mere 30 minutes by my 35th week??? Say it ain't so.

Along with the insomnia, I am also suffering from terrible migraines. There are days when I just want to gouge out my eyeballs to internally massage my brain. Yes, it's that bad!
Then, on top of that I still have some back/neck pain from the accident last month

I'm broken. Far more fragile then I once thought.
So, with all these aches and pains, my OB AND my PCP have prescribed me some "very effective" LEGAL drugs to ease my suffering. And they're supposed to be super safe with baby in tow. I've taken them together, I've taken them separately, I've taken the maximum dosage, I've taken the minimum dosage.... uhhh, yeah, the whole thing is hit or miss. One day 2 weeks ago I actually slept for 11 hours!!!! Yes, 11 hours! You'd need both hands and a toe to count that high! That was so a one time thing, but wooo hooo for drugs! (this blog is soooo not a PSA so keep your expectations low please).


a whole lot of nothing has been said. I guess that's how blogs come out when one is soooo sleep deprived. It's amazing I can still function. And you know what's funny - I'm pretty sure I'll get more sleep AFTER LG makes her debut. I bet she'll be a GREAT sleeper and I'll be back to at least 7-8 hours each night. Plus... hubby is gonna have night detail every now and then so I can sleep. (I can dream can't I!)

Now, back to your regularly scheduled programming....

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Infirmery Much

Last week is a complete and utter blur! Not one, not two, not three, but all four of us were sick last week! And I guess I'll make that 5 by proxy. Ohhhhhh, the horror!!! There were doctor's appointments, prescriptions, rub downs, thermometers, and tissues galore!! At one point or another, everyone had a fever. Ty, who hates to miss work, had to call out. The boys had to stay home from daycare. I was home battling my own illness, trying to keep the boys from re-infecting each other.

Saturday was Halloween. I spent waaaayyyyy too much time HERE fighting for the best monkey and lion costumes to let the day pass us by. We all had to be better by Saturday to ensure the boys could show off their costumes. It was touch a go for a while, but the boys began to rebound by Friday. It is now the following Tuesday and I am still coughing. Don't get me wrong, I feel MUCH better... but I know I'm still not 100%. I think because I'm not really allowed to take cold medicine. I'm taking just about everything else (that's legal anyway), so I hope to have complete relief one day soon.

Here are the boys all dressed up! Aren't they just too cute!!!

Here are the 3 amigos AKA Team Trouble! :-)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Eeeeeekk Much


So far being 30 sucks.
Between ridiculous pregnancy pains, migraines, insomnia, the inability to sleep in my own bed, super irritability - I can now add car crash survivor to the list. Now, don't get me wrong, the survivor aspect is THRILLING (to say the least). I was able to walk away from the accident with minor physical trauma, but man oh man did Penny take a hit! The immediate reaction from the police and the tow truck guys was TOTALED! EEEKK!

I am just soooooo thankful that I was alone in the car.... all the damage was done to the back of the truck and I can't imagine what I'd do if either of the boys got hurt. I hate to even think about it.

So, being that I'm 5 1/2 months pregnant, I then had to spend my Saturday in the hospital hooked up to fetal monitors and blood pressure machines and the like. Babygirl is strong and she'll be okay, but man, what a scare!

Since then, I just feel like I've been suffering. I hate to complain, but that's all I really got right now. Since just Saturday, my migraines have intensified, my anxiety levels are through the roof, I have neck and back pain, my insomnia is ridiculous (haven't slept since Friday night)... and so on and so on and so on.

Excuse my language, but I just feel shitty. No other way to put it. I had an OB appointment today and my doc gave me an Rx for my migraines, an appointment for another U/S, names for counselors to talk to, and a STRONG suggestion to follow up with my primary care. Lots to do... all the while still at work, taking care of home, taking care of the boys, muddling through this insurance process, oh yeah, and trying to spend a little time on me somewhere in the mix.

For those of you who know a word of prayer... please keep PinkLady in yours. Very much appreciated. February just seems soooooo far away and I'm hoping I make it there in one piece AND with my head on straight... :-/

So, let me just let out one last shriek before I get back to my life and remember just how BLESSED I am. I haven't forgotten, but I still have to vent every once in a while..

here goes...

Poor Penny! She was a good girl..

Monday, September 28, 2009

Dirty Thirty

Me & Ty at my bday eve dinner

It has arrived. I am no longer in my twenties. Very mixed emotions about this.... especially since it was only a special day to me. Perhaps I should have made my virtual countdown into a real countdown so my family and friends would remember that this day is actually kinda important. I mean, you only turn 30 once... oh well No use in crying over spilled milk. It would have been nice to at least have a birthday cake though.... :-\

I did celebrate some though! Ty took me out on Saturday night for a wonderful dinner on the water. We dined, he drank, we talked - and actually discussed things other than the kids... it was a really nice night. We got home a little before 11 and he said he wanted to give me my gift at midnight. Uhhh, as I like to say - good luck with that! I was asleep like 5 seconds after he said that! lol

my bday dinner!! soooo yummy!!!
*fat girl grin*

Anyway, I woke up on my actual bday and Sweetie Pie Ty gave me an envelope. Wanna know what was inside?? 2 tickets to see Maxwell!!!!! I ADORE Maxwell!!! I saw him in concert like 8 or 9 years ago and could NOT wait to see him again. At that concert, an up and coming Alicia Keys opened for him. This time, Chrisette Michele and Robin Thicke are the openers. I've seen Chrisette before and she puts on a really good show, but I have never seen Robin - and I am sooo looking forward to seeing him. He's so talented... I wonder what he's like on stage. Should be a good time! YAY ME!

You know a blog post wouldn't be complete without a cute kiddie anecdote! So, after church the boys and I went to IHOP for a quick lunch before going to our next church service. I was craving pancakes and I would NOT be denied! Not on my birthday!! LOL So we're there and the boys are just speaking to EVERYONE!! They're friendly kids, but they were in overdrive! At one point, Jordie tells one of the waiters (not our waiter), "It's my mommy's birthday!" It was so cute... he was so proud! LOL Fast forward to the end of our meal.... and who comes over?? Like 5 waiters singing happy birthday to me! It was so nice (since no one in my real life sang to me) and really quite pitiful all at once. I can only imagine the discussion they had before they came out...
guy 1: "hey guys, it's this preggo chick's bday today. let's sing to her!"
guy 2: "dude, why??"
guy 1: "b/c she's preggo and it's her bday and she's out there alone with 2 toddlers! i bet this would make her day!!"
guy 2: "how sad is that??!?! ok, let's do it!"

After they sang, this really old guy came up asking if he could give Jordie a dollar for his bday and another dollar to his brother. I told him that was very nice of him, but it's actually my bday and Jordie told the waiters. Old guy was all smiles! He was so proud of Jordie for speaking up... you'da thought he was his grandfather or something!! LOL Needless to say, I made 2 bucks at lunch!! haha

So, even though that's all to report on my 30th birthday, it was still a nice day. My uncle was installed as pastor at a church in Delaware so I got to witness some of that and also see some family that came in for that occasion. You know the boys were too excited to see MomB and Dadu! I'm glad we were able to attend (even though we left early.... toddlers working off no naps around dinnertime - yeah, it was time to go).

AND, today is my grandparents' 62nd wedding anniversary!!! Yep, you read that correctly - 62 years of wedded bliss!!! And I say bliss with the greatest amount of writer's privilege EVER! lol

All in all, it's been a nice weekend - but what I'm really excited for is next weekend!!! Maxwell, I'm coming for you - big belly and all!!! lol

So, if you're reading this and think I'm not grateful for my nice bday dinner and concert tickets.. you are mistaken. I'm very grateful, but still a bit hurt that no one thought me turning 30 was a big deal. I mean, can I get a song?? a cake?? something?? And yes, my parents and in-laws gave me cards and little tokens to acknowledge my bday - but if y'all can't tell by now - I am about the TIME and TOGETHERNESS wayyyyy more than the gifts! I'll take the $$ in the cards though! LOL

Ok, vent over. I'm 30 & I'm dealing...

Friday, September 18, 2009

Trifecta!!!! Oui ou Non??

Soooooo, are you ready?????

Are you ready to find out the most delicious news across this here innanets???

This is the biggest news I've had to share since...... well, since telling people the sex of the other two babies.....

Well, I've been saying all along that I'd really love to have another boy! I'm used to boys now, and since my boys are so super duper fantastic, why shake things up with a girl... right?

Plus, I don't do hair. Little girls need their hair done... like everyday! Uhhh, good luck with that little imaginary daughter of mine. Ha!

So, my mind was made up. Boy! Boy! Boy! Ty didn't care as much, but I reeeeeallllly had a preference. Have I made that clear yet? lol

Anyway, when I left the ultrasound appointment, I left quite content! I just couldn't stop smiling!!!

We're having a GIRL y'all!!!!!!!

Yep, a girl! No trifecta over here! lol

I had no idea deep down I wanted a girl. I mean, you really could've fooled me! lol I'm sure I would've been happy with another little boy, but man, you couldn't wipe that cheesy grin off my face!! The u/s tech had to confirm the gender like 3 times though because I just didn't believe her. So, of course, there's an arrow with "GIRL" written on the picture they gave me! haha

Anyway, WOOOOOOO HOOOOOOO for us! I am just too excited! Now, if only she'd ease up on the pain producing girations sometimes (that's a whole other can of worms I don't dare open today).

YAY Us!!! And, yes, we already have a name picked out.
It was gonna be Aaron's name if he was a girl.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Hiatus Much

Sooooo, we went on a bit of a summer hiatus. But, now we're back! A hiatus from what you're asking...... why our monthly dinner and a movie of course! lol

On Friday, we resumed our tradition by bringing back our inaugural movie a year ago... Finding Nemo! The boys LOVE this movie (& so do I), so we had a definite winner. I love a good success story! :-)

On Saturday, we all headed out to Sesame Place. It's so close, but we've never been before. I had never even been as a kid.... such a deprived childhood! LOL Anyway, the boys had the BEST TIME EVER! Jordan is so cute... he slept the whole way there, but woke up just as we were parking. Of course, each section of the parking lot has its own Sesame Street character which is the first thing he saw as he awakened from his slumber. And he asked me, "Mom are we at Sesame Street Place?" Now this wouldn't be a big deal, except I NEVER told him we were coming here!!! LOL As with most of my kiddie anecdotes..... I guess you had to be there. Too cute though.

Anyway, we enter the park and are fully expecting the boys to run wild and cause all sorts of chaos. Soooooooo not the case. They were such good boys!! The weather wasn't really in our favor (cloudy and cool) so the boys couldn't get the full experience, but they loved it just the same. And on top of the good behavior, they weren't even scared of any of the rides! I knew Aaron wouldn't be, but I was a little unsure of Jordan. I couldn't really ride too many rides myself (darn rules for preggo ladies), but I still had a blast! Soooooo much fun!!! I had such a great time, I think we're gonna try to go back next month - maybe in time for Halloween. We'll see about that though.

All in all, a GREAT weekend!!!!! I love family time! lol

p.s. we find out what we're having on Friday.... stay tuned! :-P

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Countdown Much

We're just a few weeks away folks!!!

I can hardly believe it... in just a few short weeks I will have left the (so far) most eventful decade of my life!!! During my 20's I graduated from college (Go Dragons!), got married (heyyyy Ty!), bought my first house (sooooo ready to move), had my first sweet little baby (hi Jordie!), had my second sweet little baby (hi Owwie!), and got pregnant with my third bundle of joy (shhhhh, it's a secret)!!!

That was a mouthful, eh....

Well, I usually have this grand, loud and in-person countdown leading up to my birthday, but beacuse I have so many mixed feelings about this upcoming day - I'm leaving my countdown on the web. Won't you count down with me... It's okay if you don't start today... just make it over here on the 27th! :-)

Dirty Thirty here I come...

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Beach Much

What a fantastic weekend!!! Gorgeous weather, super fun family, lovely little boys to surround me.... all is great when spending a day at the beach!!

This was the boys first trip EVER, and really my first in a very very very long time! I haven't been to a local beach since 1998!!! and I LOVE the beach! I haven't been to any kind of beach since our trip to Hawaii..... and that was 5 years ago. What have I been doing all this time??? Like I said, I love the beach!!

Well, we packed up the car and headed out on our trek for some fun in the sun. The drive wasn't so bad - even if we did leave 90 minutes late. ggrrrrrr Once we got within 5 miles of the ocean, however, all of that changed. It took us at least 45 minutes to make it those last 5 miles and another 30 minutes to find parking.

WHEW! We finally made it! We set up our chairs, laid out our towels, took out all the sand toys, slathered on sunblock and bug spray... we were READY!

Next up, throwing the boys in the ocean. Now, the boys LOVE water. They love to play in the tub and their little pool in the backyard. They even (quasi) enjoyed taking swimming lessons at the Y. They had never really seen the ocean up close before though, so I didn't know how they'd react. Let me re-phrase that - I knew EXACTLY how they'd react, but I was hoping they'd surprise me.

Aaron HATED HATED HATED the water! To get anywhere near it, someone had to hold him and they could not under any circumstances bend down. He had to be at least 4 feet in the air! He is too much. Jordan HATED HATED the water!! He would only get close enough for his big toes to get slightly damp. Since he was at least standing on his own, I figured he would probably warm up to it before we had to leave.

Since the water was out of the plan, we commenced to making sand castles. Rather my mom and the boys. I tried to get involved, but I just couldn't muster the energy or the enthusiasm required for such a task. I participated as marginally as possible. haha

Anyway, a GREAT day was had by all. And just like I thought, Jordie finally warmed up to the ocean. He actually went pretty far in. Aaron on the other hand, was just happy to stick his head in the sand (which he did over and over).

I can't wait to take them back to the beach!!!!

Oh yeah, and I've NEVER seen the Jersey Shore look so clean in my life!!! I don't know what they've done with it, but the water doesn't look half as mirky as it used to. I was pleasantly surprised..... we are definitely going back!
Check us out!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Funnin' Much

I CANNOT believe it's August already...
Why is the summer going by so fast???

Ok, so I know I said I've been doing a whole bunch of nothing... but I also said we've been sooo busy! Yes, I know I'm a walking contradiction... just work with me! LOL I'm in a delicate state! *snicker*

So, here's what we've been up to for the past couple of weeks..

Well, this little guy turned 1!! I can't believe how time is flying! I swear he was just born like yesterday!! For realss!

Anyway, he had a barnyard themed party. It was so cute and the boys had a GREAT time!!! Leave it to party planner extraordinaire, Tif, to make a first bday party the event of the season. Ha!

What else... the annual family reunion. Every year we hang out on the Chesapeake for a weekend and play catch up. When we went I was only 11 weeks preggo, but I looked at least 4 months. at least. They say you get bigger earlier with each pregnancy, but DAYUM!! LOL

Anyway, look at these groups of guys and gals. Can you spot la preggocita?

What else?? Oh yeah! Fridays!!!
Can I please tell you how we went to Friday's one night and they had a face painter, a balloon artist and Pablo from The Backyardigans!!! At Fridays! Annnddd it was Tuesday, so kids eat free!! SCORE! Take a look...

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Major Life Changes Much


I've told you about how I've been all sleepy and anxious and scatterbrained and all that good stuff. I've mentioned how I've been eating a whole lot and how I've been craving nachos and other yummy treats..


Wait for it...

I'M PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!!

Remember the sickness after Memorial Day and the indigestion.... ding ding ding! a little baby is coming! We are due February 11 - and it can't come soon enough!

And before you even ask, no we weren't trying, but we're excited all the same!! I already know we're having another boy, but everyone thinks it's a girl because I've been sick and I didn't have a day of sickness with the boys.

We'll see....

btw, please keep us in prayer!! When little one arrives, we'll have THREE kids under 4!!! YIKES!
Let's just hope at least one of them is potty trained by then!! *shudder*

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Nothing Much

What is it called when you are always busy, but you're busy doing nothing? There's gotta be a name for it! Well, that has been me as of late. Nachos have become my best friend... oh yeah, and we can't forget about my dear friend sleep. So, I've been consumed with eating nachos and sleeping.

Seeeee, a whole bunch of nothing.
What do you call that?

I know what you're thinking... we've had parties and outings and all that, so I'm definitely doing more with my summer than nothing. Ok, you're right. But, the days of nothing far out-number the days of all you can eat ice cream or trips to the museum.

What's with all this nothingness?? I'm not depressed. I'm not overly fatigued (just my usual level of fatigue! lol). I haven't been easily bothered by the boys who are fully and wholly embracing their age! Gah!!

My mind, while going a mile a minute, is full of happy thoughts and excitement for each and every day. I've been eating a lot and loving every bite (I'm not much of an eater, so this is kind of a big deal). I'm not sure what's going on.... but it resembles a whole lotta nothing.

Am I making any sense??

I have been a bit scatterbrained.
I am a bit anxious.

What's with that?? More on that next time...

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Partaaaay Much

Party, party, party!! That's all we seem to do! SIKE! LOL

My sweetie, Ty, celebrated his bday last week - so of course we had to celebrate! We threw him a surprise party on Saturday, so this past week was full of all the last minute things we hadn't checked off our to do lists.

The main thing we had to do was KEEP IT A SECRET!!! We had to throw him off somehow.. Since his bday was in the middle of the week, we had a mini-bday celebration at his mom's house on that day and let him think that was it. *trickery*

Well, everything after that is a blur!! LOL We had to buy food, decorations, balloons, make jello shots, finalize the dj's playlist... and on and on and on. Saturday came and went. The party was a lot of fun... the boys even partied for a bit. Even though Ty had a good time - he knew about it. I guess it didn't help that the guests parked RIGHT IN FRONT of the building!!!

Ty & his fave dance partner... his mama!

So, the surprise was a bust, but we still had fun. And the food was super yummy!! And the desserts were.... you already know! LOL

Ty & I having a blast!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

To Kill a Mockingbird Much

No, this isn't a post about a book. I thought I mentioned I don't read. Let's all just be happy that I knew it was a title of a book...

One sentence in and I'm already in left field.
back to the subject....

So, I don't even know if it's a mockingbird at all, but I believe my resident bird expert (aka Mommy) and Wikipedia and trust that it is indeed a mockingbird.

So, most people typically enjoy waking up to the sing-songy chirping of the little birdies outside their windows.
That does sound nice, doesn't it.
Well, how unfortunate for us that we instead get brutally awakened by the maniacal squawking of these rabid birds. And how sad for our dear Gerrie Berry who endures the constant torture of these birds swopping down on him, and dare I say it, mocking his feline-hood.

I just can't take it anymore. I don't know how Gerrie stands it. He loves to go outside, but the moment he steps paw outside that door they're on his tail - literally!! They show him no mercy. It's like a game to them. I wish I had video of it. I just don't understand why he doesn't fight back, ya know, show 'em who's boss. He is a cat after all!!!

It's just too bad (for us all) when he stays out all night and the moment he creeps out from under some car to stretch his little legs, those birds are back on him. It can be 5 in the morning, and they are just as loud as they can be calling all their friends over to torture the poor little kitty. And lucky for us, we all get to wake up and hear it. And to my neighbors, sorry we didn't bring him in last night.. oops!

Does anyone know how to get rid of these fearless, audacious, WRETCHED creatures.... who I swear must be on steroids or something. They suffer from 'roid rage on a daily basis. Or, better yet, how can we get Gerrie to stand up to them. I've told him that if he just gives them one good paw to the beak, they'll leave him alone. Then, we're all winners....

Monday, July 6, 2009

Holiday Weekend

Happy Belated Independence Day all!! I hope everyone enjoyed their long weekend as much as I did!!! I love long weekends.... even though I probably work even harder on my days off then when I'm in the office! haha

So, we had a great holiday weekend... parades, impromptu bbq, a little rest, ice cream galore.. just fun times.

I had Friday off (woo hoo!), so Ty & I took the boys down to Penn's Landing for the annual All You Can Eat ice cream fundraiser. It was so hot and there were soooooo many people! This is the 9th or 10th year they're doing this, and this is the most people I've ever seen there. It is for a good cause, so I didn't mind the wait. Well, we get in there and I am in ice cream heaven! Y'all know I have a sweet tooth... I almost fell out from all the ice cream I ate. I tried a few flavors of water ice (I'm not the biggest water ice fan though), I had my fave, Haagen Dasz strawberry.. I also had chocolate, cookies and cream, this strawberry lemonade popcicle thing, vanilla, more cookies and cream.. YUM!!!

GG & her Pook waiting for their ice cream

It was hot as blazes out, but we were just getting started!!

On the 4th, we set up our chairs to watch the town parade. Did I mention that it starts in front of our house?? Yep, it does! So the boys get to watch them line up the fire trucks and the bands and all the other revelers. We've also gotten used to our town "neighbors"setting up their chairs in front of our house as well.. *neighborly side eye*

The firemen are always so nice and let the boys sit inside the trucks. They just LOVE it!! I can't blame them - I secretly wish they'd let Mom in one of those trucks! Ha Ha

After all those festivities, we actually found some time to rest. Mom was pooped!!! (but in a good way) I had to get ready for our next series of adventures - might we actually make it to the beach this year??? One can hope!!!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Two Much

Man on man... time is surely flying!!! My little Owwie just celebrated his 2nd birthday on Saturday. I can't believe what a big boy he is! Almost makes me want to cry. Almost.

Well, we had another full weekend of festivities to commemorate this special occasion. Not to be outdone by Jordie's Diego extravaganza, Aaron got to celebrate with his favorite peeps - Mickey, Goofy and Donald. The boy loves Mickey''s so cute to hear him call out "Ohhhh Tootles!"

Anyway, we got up on Saturday to big hearty bowls of oatmeal! Yum! Again, Owwie's favorite - so I had to indulge (so what if he eats it just about everyday.. lol). We then packed up the car and headed to the aquarium. The boys had no idea where we were going, so they fell right asleep the moment we pulled out of the driveway. They wake up very slowly, so I was quite nervous that they wouldn't be able to pull it together to enjoy all the sea creatures. I forgot who I was dealing with..... Jordan saw a picture of a shark and perked right up! lol

We spent what felt like days at the aquarium looking at all types of fish - from piranhas to jellyfish to sharks and everything in between. We also saw the seals and the penguins and some funky looking frogs. So much fun! The boys didn't want to leave. But we had to. I was STARVING and I refused to spend my life savings on a hot dog and water. Besides, the party was just getting started.

We head back home and I keep the boys outside while we wait for our guests. Because of the whole "broke-ness" which has turned into the theme for 2009, there was to be no party. Our guests just consisted of a few family and friends... a very intimate birthday gathering. It was great.

The boys got to jump in their jumper, they got to blow bubbles, they got to eat (just about) whatever they wanted... and they got cake and ice cream. Sounds like a fun time to me.

The sun slowly went down, and so did my energy. The family left, the boys went to bed and Ty and I got to discuss how the last 2 years have just flown by. I CANNOT believe my little Aaron is 2.

My dear Owwie is a lover, a trouble maker, an instigator, a greedy little eater, and my lovebug! He is the sweetest little boy in the world. He never turns down a hug and always pokes out his cheek when I ask for a kiss. He oftentimes even asks for more and more kisses. so sweet. He also likes to bother his big brother and he can be quite aggressive at times. He's tiny, but he packs a punch! He must get all that strength from NEVER turning down food. He is sooooo greedy, but I just wonder where it all goes. You know he only weighs 22 pounds... and is below the 5th percentile. The doctor isn't worried though, so I try not to be...

So, to my dear son who loves his mommy's kisses, who loves to sing and dance (but it must always be a solo)... to the boy who never keeps his shoes on and we'll often find with just one sock on... to the boy who will eat anything, and I mean anything (does a little poop in the mouth incident ring a bell)... to the boy who will only poop in a clean diaper (which results in us changing 2 diapers within 10 minutes sometimes)... to the boy with the eyelashes that just won't quit... to the boy who all the ladies just adore... to the boy who I just love love love so much..... Happy Birthday!!!!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Indigestion Much

So, I have some major indigestion!!! I know, not the most glamourous subject to discuss, especially after a few weeks of no Much Tuesdays - but for real..... it's some for real gross indigestion! No matter what I eat or what I drink... I can expect some bubbles later on. And by later on, I mean almost immediately.

My digestive tract has gone completely nocturnal! As long as the sun is down, I can eat with minimal problems. So, I'm safe to eat between 9pm and 6am. fun. Isn't it great to be on an involuntary fast everyday! Woo hoo for me! LOL

Anyway, not much else going on here. If you know any remedies you'd like to share, please do!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Graduation Day

Before we even start on the graduation festivities, allow me to take you back a few weeks.

My dear Jordie, the star that he is, came home with a prize one day. The prize was for Good Behavior!! Amazing. Now, Jordie is NOT a bad kid.... not at all - but he does have a penchant for challenging authority. He's a thrill seeker and I think he gets a kick out of testing boundaries. In any event, we were so proud that he was recognized for calming it down a bit!


(sorry for the smile.. this is the best pic out of like 10 that I took)

Nowwww, on to the graduation. The school the boys attend had an end of the year "graduation" for the kids going to kindergarten in September. This "graduation" also included a moving up ceremony for the kids in Jordan's pre-school class into the pre-k class. It's really a big deal. I guess, since the kids are so small they had to include, even though Jordie isn't moving up, he got to participate too. How nice.

The program started at 5pm. We got there at 4:58. It was Standing Room Only. If you didn't know better, you would've thought this was a Harvard graduation or something. There were sooooo many people there... and many weren't even parents. They had their video cameras rolling.... balloons blocking views (ya'll know I'm short right!)... flowers, streamers, etc. It was all a bit much. I ended up leaving the room and watching from the window in the hall. I went to get Aaron so he could see his brother simultaneously graduate and get left back! HA!

The kids recited the Pledge of Allegiance, they sang songs, they danced... it was all very merry. The pre-k class even recited some poetry while also performing full-body sign language! No, it wasn't mime... it was sign language, but with high kicks and neck rolls. Really, quite informative.

Of course, after this major accomplishment (first of MANY graduations).. we had to have a celebratory dinner. Applebees it is! (did you think we would go somewhere else on J's special day?? lol)

So, here are some pics of this most auspicious occasion. Ty played photog, so sorry for the blurry dark pics.

In this pic, Jordie is getting his "diploma," but he had already been given a bag of tootsie rolls - hence his complete lack of interest in receiving proper documentation of attending school for 2 months! lol

Our Jordie graduated!!!! WOO HOO!! Magna Cum Laude I might add!!! LOL

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Whatcha Doin'?

a little of this...

a little of that...

a whole lot of this...

and a smidgen of that...


Yaaawwwwnnnn! All that activity sure makes a PinkGirl tired!!