What a fantastic weekend!!! Gorgeous weather, super fun family, lovely little boys to surround me.... all is great when spending a day at the beach!!
This was the boys first trip EVER, and really my first in a very very very long time! I haven't been to a local beach since 1998!!! and I LOVE the beach! I haven't been to any kind of beach since our trip to Hawaii..... and that was 5 years ago. What have I been doing all this time??? Like I said, I love the beach!!
Well, we packed up the car and headed out on our trek for some fun in the sun. The drive wasn't so bad - even if we did leave 90 minutes late. ggrrrrrr Once we got within 5 miles of the ocean, however, all of that changed. It took us at least 45 minutes to make it those last 5 miles and another 30 minutes to find parking.
WHEW! We finally made it! We set up our chairs, laid out our towels, took out all the sand toys, slathered on sunblock and bug spray... we were READY!
Next up, throwing the boys in the ocean. Now, the boys LOVE water. They love to play in the tub and their little pool in the backyard. They even (quasi) enjoyed taking swimming lessons at the Y. They had never really seen the ocean up close before though, so I didn't know how they'd react. Let me re-phrase that - I knew EXACTLY how they'd react, but I was hoping they'd surprise me.
Aaron HATED HATED HATED the water! To get anywhere near it, someone had to hold him and they could not under any circumstances bend down. He had to be at least 4 feet in the air! He is too much. Jordan HATED HATED the water!! He would only get close enough for his big toes to get slightly damp. Since he was at least standing on his own, I figured he would probably warm up to it before we had to leave.
Since the water was out of the plan, we commenced to making sand castles. Rather my mom and the boys. I tried to get involved, but I just couldn't muster the energy or the enthusiasm required for such a task. I participated as marginally as possible. haha
Anyway, a GREAT day was had by all. And just like I thought, Jordie finally warmed up to the ocean. He actually went pretty far in. Aaron on the other hand, was just happy to stick his head in the sand (which he did over and over).
I can't wait to take them back to the beach!!!!
Oh yeah, and I've NEVER seen the Jersey Shore look so clean in my life!!! I don't know what they've done with it, but the water doesn't look half as mirky as it used to. I was pleasantly surprised..... we are definitely going back!
This was the boys first trip EVER, and really my first in a very very very long time! I haven't been to a local beach since 1998!!! and I LOVE the beach! I haven't been to any kind of beach since our trip to Hawaii..... and that was 5 years ago. What have I been doing all this time??? Like I said, I love the beach!!
Well, we packed up the car and headed out on our trek for some fun in the sun. The drive wasn't so bad - even if we did leave 90 minutes late. ggrrrrrr Once we got within 5 miles of the ocean, however, all of that changed. It took us at least 45 minutes to make it those last 5 miles and another 30 minutes to find parking.
WHEW! We finally made it! We set up our chairs, laid out our towels, took out all the sand toys, slathered on sunblock and bug spray... we were READY!
Next up, throwing the boys in the ocean. Now, the boys LOVE water. They love to play in the tub and their little pool in the backyard. They even (quasi) enjoyed taking swimming lessons at the Y. They had never really seen the ocean up close before though, so I didn't know how they'd react. Let me re-phrase that - I knew EXACTLY how they'd react, but I was hoping they'd surprise me.
Aaron HATED HATED HATED the water! To get anywhere near it, someone had to hold him and they could not under any circumstances bend down. He had to be at least 4 feet in the air! He is too much. Jordan HATED HATED the water!! He would only get close enough for his big toes to get slightly damp. Since he was at least standing on his own, I figured he would probably warm up to it before we had to leave.
Since the water was out of the plan, we commenced to making sand castles. Rather my mom and the boys. I tried to get involved, but I just couldn't muster the energy or the enthusiasm required for such a task. I participated as marginally as possible. haha
Anyway, a GREAT day was had by all. And just like I thought, Jordie finally warmed up to the ocean. He actually went pretty far in. Aaron on the other hand, was just happy to stick his head in the sand (which he did over and over).
I can't wait to take them back to the beach!!!!
Oh yeah, and I've NEVER seen the Jersey Shore look so clean in my life!!! I don't know what they've done with it, but the water doesn't look half as mirky as it used to. I was pleasantly surprised..... we are definitely going back!
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