So far being 30 sucks.
Between ridiculous pregnancy pains, migraines, insomnia, the inability to sleep in my own bed, super irritability - I can now add car crash survivor to the list. Now, don't get me wrong, the survivor aspect is THRILLING (to say the least). I was able to walk away from the accident with minor physical trauma, but man oh man did Penny take a hit! The immediate reaction from the police and the tow truck guys was TOTALED! EEEKK!
I am just soooooo thankful that I was alone in the car.... all the damage was done to the back of the truck and I can't imagine what I'd do if either of the boys got hurt. I hate to even think about it.
So, being that I'm 5 1/2 months pregnant, I then had to spend my Saturday in the hospital hooked up to fetal monitors and blood pressure machines and the like. Babygirl is strong and she'll be okay, but man, what a scare!
Since then, I just feel like I've been suffering. I hate to complain, but that's all I really got right now. Since just Saturday, my migraines have intensified, my anxiety levels are through the roof, I have neck and back pain, my insomnia is ridiculous (haven't slept since Friday night)... and so on and so on and so on.
Excuse my language, but I just feel shitty. No other way to put it. I had an OB appointment today and my doc gave me an Rx for my migraines, an appointment for another U/S, names for counselors to talk to, and a STRONG suggestion to follow up with my primary care. Lots to do... all the while still at work, taking care of home, taking care of the boys, muddling through this insurance process, oh yeah, and trying to spend a little time on me somewhere in the mix.
For those of you who know a word of prayer... please keep PinkLady in yours. Very much appreciated. February just seems soooooo far away and I'm hoping I make it there in one piece AND with my head on straight... :-/
So, let me just let out one last shriek before I get back to my life and remember just how BLESSED I am. I haven't forgotten, but I still have to vent every once in a while..
here goes...
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