My dear Jordie, the star that he is, came home with a prize one day. The prize was for Good Behavior!! Amazing. Now, Jordie is NOT a bad kid.... not at all - but he does have a penchant for challenging authority. He's a thrill seeker and I think he gets a kick out of testing boundaries. In any event, we were so proud that he was recognized for calming it down a bit!
Nowwww, on to the graduation. The school the boys attend had an end of the year "graduation" for the kids going to kindergarten in September. This "graduation" also included a moving up ceremony for the kids in Jordan's pre-school class into the pre-k class. It's really a big deal. I guess, since the kids are so small they had to include, even though Jordie isn't moving up, he got to participate too. How nice.
The program started at 5pm. We got there at 4:58. It was Standing Room Only. If you didn't know better, you would've thought this was a Harvard graduation or something. There were sooooo many people there... and many weren't even parents. They had their video cameras rolling.... balloons blocking views (ya'll know I'm short right!)... flowers, streamers, etc. It was all a bit much. I ended up leaving the room and watching from the window in the hall. I went to get Aaron so he could see his brother simultaneously graduate and get left back! HA!
The kids recited the Pledge of Allegiance, they sang songs, they danced... it was all very merry. The pre-k class even recited some poetry while also performing full-body sign language! No, it wasn't mime... it was sign language, but with high kicks and neck rolls. Really, quite informative.
Of course, after this major accomplishment (first of MANY graduations).. we had to have a celebratory dinner. Applebees it is! (did you think we would go somewhere else on J's special day?? lol)
So, here are some pics of this most auspicious occasion. Ty played photog, so sorry for the blurry dark pics.
In this pic, Jordie is getting his "diploma," but he had already been given a bag of tootsie rolls - hence his complete lack of interest in receiving proper documentation of attending school for 2 months! lol
Our Jordie graduated!!!! WOO HOO!! Magna Cum Laude I might add!!! LOL
1 comment:
So cute! I love the 'caught being good' :)
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