Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Major Life Changes Much


I've told you about how I've been all sleepy and anxious and scatterbrained and all that good stuff. I've mentioned how I've been eating a whole lot and how I've been craving nachos and other yummy treats..


Wait for it...

I'M PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!!

Remember the sickness after Memorial Day and the indigestion.... ding ding ding! a little baby is coming! We are due February 11 - and it can't come soon enough!

And before you even ask, no we weren't trying, but we're excited all the same!! I already know we're having another boy, but everyone thinks it's a girl because I've been sick and I didn't have a day of sickness with the boys.

We'll see....

btw, please keep us in prayer!! When little one arrives, we'll have THREE kids under 4!!! YIKES!
Let's just hope at least one of them is potty trained by then!! *shudder*

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