Friday, September 18, 2009

Trifecta!!!! Oui ou Non??

Soooooo, are you ready?????

Are you ready to find out the most delicious news across this here innanets???

This is the biggest news I've had to share since...... well, since telling people the sex of the other two babies.....

Well, I've been saying all along that I'd really love to have another boy! I'm used to boys now, and since my boys are so super duper fantastic, why shake things up with a girl... right?

Plus, I don't do hair. Little girls need their hair done... like everyday! Uhhh, good luck with that little imaginary daughter of mine. Ha!

So, my mind was made up. Boy! Boy! Boy! Ty didn't care as much, but I reeeeeallllly had a preference. Have I made that clear yet? lol

Anyway, when I left the ultrasound appointment, I left quite content! I just couldn't stop smiling!!!

We're having a GIRL y'all!!!!!!!

Yep, a girl! No trifecta over here! lol

I had no idea deep down I wanted a girl. I mean, you really could've fooled me! lol I'm sure I would've been happy with another little boy, but man, you couldn't wipe that cheesy grin off my face!! The u/s tech had to confirm the gender like 3 times though because I just didn't believe her. So, of course, there's an arrow with "GIRL" written on the picture they gave me! haha

Anyway, WOOOOOOO HOOOOOOO for us! I am just too excited! Now, if only she'd ease up on the pain producing girations sometimes (that's a whole other can of worms I don't dare open today).

YAY Us!!! And, yes, we already have a name picked out.
It was gonna be Aaron's name if he was a girl.

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