Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Hiatus Much

Sooooo, we went on a bit of a summer hiatus. But, now we're back! A hiatus from what you're asking...... why our monthly dinner and a movie of course! lol

On Friday, we resumed our tradition by bringing back our inaugural movie a year ago... Finding Nemo! The boys LOVE this movie (& so do I), so we had a definite winner. I love a good success story! :-)

On Saturday, we all headed out to Sesame Place. It's so close, but we've never been before. I had never even been as a kid.... such a deprived childhood! LOL Anyway, the boys had the BEST TIME EVER! Jordan is so cute... he slept the whole way there, but woke up just as we were parking. Of course, each section of the parking lot has its own Sesame Street character which is the first thing he saw as he awakened from his slumber. And he asked me, "Mom are we at Sesame Street Place?" Now this wouldn't be a big deal, except I NEVER told him we were coming here!!! LOL As with most of my kiddie anecdotes..... I guess you had to be there. Too cute though.

Anyway, we enter the park and are fully expecting the boys to run wild and cause all sorts of chaos. Soooooooo not the case. They were such good boys!! The weather wasn't really in our favor (cloudy and cool) so the boys couldn't get the full experience, but they loved it just the same. And on top of the good behavior, they weren't even scared of any of the rides! I knew Aaron wouldn't be, but I was a little unsure of Jordan. I couldn't really ride too many rides myself (darn rules for preggo ladies), but I still had a blast! Soooooo much fun!!! I had such a great time, I think we're gonna try to go back next month - maybe in time for Halloween. We'll see about that though.

All in all, a GREAT weekend!!!!! I love family time! lol

p.s. we find out what we're having on Friday.... stay tuned! :-P

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