Thursday, May 28, 2009


(this pic is a little shadow-y, but I love it!)

Our long weekend was muy fantastico! How was yours?
We went up the NJT (NJ Turnpike for those of you not familiar) to pay a visit to my dear old dad (verrry old! ha!) and my lovely mom. Seriously, what a great time!!

The boys (true to form) did NOT want to leave!!!! We literally had to drag them out of the house kicking and screaming.
So, what made the weekend so grand? I got to sleep my little heart out. Nothing like being able to sleep uninteruppted for once. or twice.

Actually, that's not true. On Sunday morning, Jordan came into our room and woke me up. BUT, he just came in because he was "trying to find MomB and Dadu." He didn't even want us!! Score! I got to go back to sleep....

I also got to see my friend Z. We've been friends since 1984... she's dope. We are very different, but I think that's why we get along so well... we complement each other.
So, she's due with her second baby boy at the end of June. She's super prego! She's getting ready to move too, so she has tons on her plate. It was great seeing her though. All the boys got to play together, which was hilarious! I wish we lived closer so they could play together more often, but she's not trying to move to Philly and I can't afford to move back to Jersey! We've all seen this right.... Well, we don't live that large (not yet anyway), but North Jersey (where I'm from) is just too expensive.


The boys had a great time too. They got to wear down their grandparents and just "wow" them with their intelligence and boundless energy. oh yeah, and their complete disregard for authority.

a little see-saw time...

a little baseball time...


Jordie running the bases (WITH the bat!)

Dadu running the bases. Run, Dadu, Run!

And I gotta say it was nice to have all my boys together all at the same time. I'm just sorry I didn't get a good shot of my brother.... Next time. Here are my other 4 boys though!

Since the month is quickly coming to a close, we decided to do May's dinner and a movie while on our trip. This month's feature, Bolt. Jordan saw this in the movies, so he was really excited to see it again! (or so we thought).

The boys getting ready to watch our movie

We ate our dinner first, then all gathered in the den (me, Ty, the boys, MomB and Dadu too). The movie started, we watched. The doorbell rang, it took 3 people to answer the door (2 under 3 feet tall).

It was Uncle Aych! So long Bolt.

My big brother came in toting bags like he was Santa Claus or something. Since he didn't get to see Jordie on his birthday, he didn't dare enter the house empty-handed. Jordie got the obligatory pajamas (for some reason, he ALWAYS needs pj's), and he got him this and this. Jordie loves Little People and he loves animals - so this gift was PERFECT! Of course with new toys, or any toys for that matter, we must reinforce the principle of sharing. Jordie let Aaron play with 2 of the animals. One for each hand. Isn't he generous!! LOL

So, all in all, the weekend was a success! No major attitudes, not too many tears, good weather, good company.... what more could I ask for?

Ohhhh, that's right! A blog post wouldn't be complete without some some mention of an ailment. I was fine the whole weekend... until I woke up Monday morning. I woke up feeling dehydrated and hung over. I spent the next 5 hours spilling my guts from the upshoot and the downspout - if you get my drift! *wink* Since then, I feel super nauseous each time I eat... no matter what I eat. Not sure what kind of bug I have, but I'd like him to vacate the premises... asap!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Back Among the Living

I'm happy to be back...
among the living, the healthy, and all those who don't get sick every other day like I do!

I've been completely out of commission this past week...
*cough, cough*

I hate being sick! Have I mentioned that?

Anyway, I'm back....
Happy to be back!

I hope everyone has a great Memorial Day weekend!!! And let's not forget all those who gave their lives for our freedom. I hate getting preachy, so I'll stop there. ha!

I was back, now I'm gone again..
See you next week.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

On This Day...

Six years ago TODAY, my life in the BlueWorld began! My dear Ty and I got married! I was a young bride... think 12 or 13 (don't I just ooze tween bride? :-D)

Truly one of the happiest days of my ENNNNNTIRE life!! It's funny when everyone at a wedding reception remarks that they've never seen a bride have so much fun. Yes, I was indeed the life of the party! HA!

To commemorate the day, Ty and I celebrated in he grandest of fashions...

lounging on the couch ALL DAY!!! (well, in between doing like 10 loads of laundry) Romantic, I know!

So, let's raise a glass to the first 6 years and another keg (errr, glass) to the next 60 years of wedded bliss.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Cumpleanos Much

Yesterday was May 11. The day marked a very special day in the BlueWorld household. Our Jordie turned three years old!!! I CANNOT believe it! Really, I can't. Just yesterday I was single, childless, and broke. Now I'm married, with children, and broke. My how things change.

Even though it was also Mother's Day weekend, we had to go all out to celebrate Jordie's birthday since there would be no parties this year. Did I mention we were broke. And we had all of our money stolen out of our bank account (which we still haven't gotten back... uggghhh).

The celebration started on Saturday morning. The boys woke up to the smell of....

well, nothing. I was still asleep. The boys woke me up in typical fashion and I groggily went downstairs to start breakfast. I made my Jordie (& his very greedy brother) a wonderful pancake breakfast.

Would you believe Aaron ate 6 pancakes, 3 pieces of bacon, a bowl of applesauce, a banana and finished it off with a cup of juice!!! His metabolism is crazy (the doctors were a bit concerned because he won't gain weight). I think Jordan only at 4 pancakes.

After breakfast, Ty took Jordan to get his birthday haircut. He desperately needed one...
They returned and it was Aaron's turn. Ty cut Aaron's hair himself. Aaron was (to my surprise) very agreeable.
After haircuts, we got dressed dressed and headed out the door.

After a 90 minute (10 mile) drive, we finnnaallly arrive at the zoo. Jordan was too excited!

I didn't make the mistake I made before... Ty and I took TWO strollers! Forget the double stroller, forget walking with two rambunctious toddlers, forget being ambitious.... time to get practical! LOL

Here are my boys checking out some hippos or turtles or something... how cute are they!! :-)

Here are the 2 AJ's! and some sleeping lions in the background.

Bday boy & brother too distracted to let Mom get a good shot...

This HUGE gorilla just got finished swinging from a rope (a la Tarzan), banging his entire body against the window (scaring me half to death), and falling to the ground. This is the aftermath... silly gorilla!

After a GREAT time at the zoo.... we went to see GG. She and Tif & Will were going to join us for a celebratory dinner at Jordie's FAVE spot.. wait for it...
Applebees!!! LOL He loves that place!

So we ate, we drank, and were quite merry. Then.... the waiters came around and sang to my Jordie! They sang to a 3 year old! I didn't know they did that!! LOL

Anyway, here he is with his birthday chocolate mousse (that his mom politely stole and devoured within seconds! Thanks for sharing J)!

That was about all the celebration we could muster for one day.... but that certainly was not the last of it. After all, his actual birthday was on Monday!

Like any good mom, I spent my Mother's Day making cupcakes for Jordie's class. I made the mini cupcakes (just enough sugar for a toddler) and found they were quite harder to handle than the regular sized ones. *shrugs* Then I tried to get fancy and dye my icing... some were blue... others were green. ALL were eaten! Ms. D (Jordie's teacher) said I'm the new favorite mom of the class!! I'm so honored.

After I picked the boys up, we head home for the real birthday "party." GG, Tif (& Jace), Shana and Ms. Beale came over for pizza and cake to celebrate the big 0-3! The theme of the party was Go Diego Go! as you can tell by the pics below.

So, to the boy who could sing his ABC's before he was one, who never took to crawling but walked before he was 10 months... To the boy who likes to tell knock knock jokes and sing songs and dance to Move It Move It.... To the boy whose intelligence and memory and PURE genius astound me on a daily basis... To the boy who can read... To the boy who can memorize an entire program (including random narration that has nothing to do with the subject)... To the boy who never naps and is last to go to bed and the first to rise in the morning.. To the boy who can eat oatmeal at every meal... To the boy who loves to give sloppy kisses.. To the boy who is the best big brother a little brother could ask for (thanks for not hitting Aaron back all those times - we're still working on AJ's aggression).. To the boy who assigned everyone in the family a color and a halloween costume and can rattle off who belongs to what color and costume (MONTHS LATER!!!)... To the boy who wears me out on a daily basis... To the boy who loves the sky and the moon...
Yes, to that boy - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Keep making Mommy proud.

Ahhh yes, this is also the same boy who refuses to go to the potty consistently, who throws tantrums like NO OTHER, and who kept Mommy in labor for 17 hours before being yanked out with that suction device!!
Uhhh, yeah, thanks..

Love you Jordie!!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

My Day

So, today was Mother's Day. Supposedly, it was myyyy day (whatever that means). I had a really nice Mom's Day. The weather was agreeable, church service was nice, I got to see my god-daughter (& her parents), I ate apple pie... what more could I ask for.

To start this special day, Jordie really wanted to give me flowers which I thought was a very nice gesture. He came up to me with a little flower in a plastic cup (that he made in school) and said HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY MOMMY!!! and gave me the flower. It really was the cutest thing. Aaron scampered up with a card in hand and uttered what I have to believe was happy mother's day. Again, too cute.
Ty then gave me even more flowers (all pink! woo hoo) and I gave them all a big THANK YOU!

Little did I know that wouldn't be the end of the gift giving. (By force) I had to give my cute little plastic cup flower back to Jordan. He REFUSED to let me keep it. I'm not sure why, but he reaaaalllly wanted it back. So, I gave it back to him. He didn't even look back with any second thoughts before he took it back downstairs. Uhhhhh, thanks Jordan.

Maybe he was confused since this is also his birthday weekend. He must've thought that all gifts were his this weekend. Yeah, that must be it!


We were out all day today and got home around 7:30. I then proceeded to make Jordan's birthday cupcakes for school tomorrow. I made 48. Think that'll be enough? I think there are only 12 kids in his class. 4 cupcakes per 3 year old child should make for a fun afternoon for the teachers!! Oh, to be a fly on that wall!! At least they are the mini cupcakes.

Well, I'm off to bed. Finally.
More on Jordan's birthday tomorrow.

p.s. I wish I took pics today. I took some yesterday and I'll take some tomorrow. I guess that's the life of a mom. I take pics everyday except for My Day! There's always next year..


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Modesty Much

he soooooo did this all on his own!!!!

he just doesn't want to give away all the goods too soon! Ha!

Monday, May 4, 2009


Can we all please channel our inner Madonna for a moment....
sing with me..

"Borderline, borderline
feels like I'm going to lose my mind
cuz you keep on pushing my love
over the borderline, borderline"

Now, I have to imagine that Madonna was singing to a gentleman caller in this song (which I like to sheepishly brrraaagggg to all I encounter that my dear friend's father wrote this song!!! how cool is that!), however, I am singing to two little ones not yet out of diapers (or pull-ups, whichever suits your fancy).

The boys and I had another full and quite eventful weekend!!! Really, just Saturday. Saturday was a doozy! So much so, that my little insomniac (according to Jordie, he is NEVER sleepy) went to bed at 6pm FOR THE NIGHT!!! no dinner, no bath, no pj's, nada!

That gives you an idea as to how much I dragged them all about town in an effort to give Ty some quiet time to complete his final paper for school. Whhheeewwww, I'm tired just re-telling it all.

Oh yeah, let me just preface by saying that I for some reason thought it was a grrrreeeat idea to go out with 2 tantrum prone toddlers sans stroller! Alone! Yikes... I wish someone would've warned me!

Let's start at 12:30, when the boys and I left the house. First stop, Babies R Us. I was there to pick up 2 giant bibs so the boys mightpossiblyjustmaybe come home from daycare without their lunch and everyone else's lunches all over their clothes! and play dough. and paint. and snot.
Once I got in the store, I made a mental note to forever remember - NEVER go to BRU on a Saturday afternoon. There were so many prego ladies there creating registries, so many others there shopping off the registries. It was a madhouse!
Anyway, we make it out of there relatively unscathed and we head off to our next stop.

So, I took the boys to the mall. Typically, I would've brought the stoller, but since we were just going for lunch (& they don't allow strollers in the restaurant), I left it in the car. We make 2 quick stops to look for a jacket for Jordan. no luck, so we keep moving.
We get to Friendly's and there is a wait! Uggghhhh. I was shocked at how well the boys were behaving while waiting for a table. They weren't angels, but I was pleased with their efforts.
We sit down. Drinks come. Food comes. The boys eat. The boys drink. The boys fight. Jordan falls out under the table. Aaron kicks off his shoes AND his socks. Mommy sweats.

Lunch over. We all leave in tears.

Off to Old Navy to find this elusive spring jacket. By the time we arrive (no more than 10 minutes later), the truck reaks of something fooooouuuuuuuull! I open the back door and begin changing diapers. in the parking lot. fun times.
We get in the store and all is good. I buy my summer staples (Old Navy flip flops... can't beat 2 for $5). Then I locate Jordan's jacket! The ONLY jacket there and it's a 3T! Jackpot! As we walk to the checkout, we walk by the kids section. I don't know who thought it was a good idea, but having a whole section of puzzles and blocks and balls is sooo not a good look. Jordan was gone (in every sense of the word) after he saw this area designated just for the likes of him. It took me (literally) 15 minutes to get him out of there (w/o losing Aaron) and I had to bribe him with the purchase of a ball. He suckered me and he knew it. My flip flops were $2.50 each, the jacket was $4.99, but that dangblasted ball - $5.50!!! I mean, I get that that's not a lot of money, but still!! Woooo Sahhhh

Time to go. The boys were getting tired and it is now 4:30.
Jordan told me he wanted to go to the bookstore. I had told him earlier in the day that if we had time we'd go to the bookstore. Against my better judgment... we went.

We arrive at Borders and I reason with myself that since I had just changed BOTH boys at Old Navy that I wouldn't weigh myself down with the diaper bag. Ummm, come again? I decided to do what??

Anyway, this lovely gentleman worker held the door for us as we entered (into Hell). Jordan is not pleased with the bookstore b/c he doesn't see any books for him. He cries. A lot. Again, against my better judgment we keep on walking to the kids section. He sees books for him and all is well with the world. We start to pick out our reading material when all of a sudden... grunt grunt. CRIKEY!!!
The boys and I head off for our first experience using the potty in a public restroom!! My worst nightmare has come true!

By the time we got in there, Jordan had already pooped in his pull-up. TMI? Just wait, there's more. He says "more are coming."
There's this little trash can in the stall, so I have him stand on it while I hold him over the toilet. He continues to poop. It's kinda loose... never a good sign. All the while, Aaron is pulling as much toilet paper off the ring as he possibly can. Speed counts. I yell. He stops. He stands in the corner of the stall completely still! He's never been so still. Ha! Just wait, Aaron.

Jordan is still pooping. Then, I see this stream of YOU KNOW WHAT heading in the direction of Aaron. I throw Aaron out of the way and watch urine land on the pile of toilet paper Aaron "prepared" on the floor. Thanks Aaron. I then turn Jordan around to finish in the toilet (all the while hoping he has no more poop that needs to come out).

Finally, he's finished. That's when I realize I DON'T HAVE THE DIAPER BAG!!! Shoot me now. I wet some paper towel and wipe Jordan with that. I clean off his leg and his jeans from where the poop got him when I pulled the dirty pull-up down. Really, will someone just shoot me now?? Like magic, another pull-up appears. I always keep a spare pull-up & diaper in my handbag. Wheewwww. Did you know that unlike diapers, you have to take off shoes, and pants to put on a fresh pull-up? Did you know how un-fun that is in a smelly public bathroom? Don't try it, just take my word for it.

We finally make it out of the bathroom and it is time to go. Before I can execute my escape plan, Aaron runs over to some Random man and asks him to read a book. Did I mention the man is already reading a book to his own child??? Uhhh, Aaron, it's time to go. We grab our books and head for the checkout line. The longest line in history.

I am holding each child's hand, but because of all the activity (errrr, mayhem) my hands are laden with perspiration. Aaron escapes my grasp first. I catch him, give him a good talking to and we get back in line. I lost my place in line and no one was gracious enough to honor my spot. Mmmmm hmmmm, duly noted. We make a little headway, and Aaron takes off again. I am hot on his heels when I hear Jordan right behind me with something in his hands. He then dropped said items (pencils. many many pencils) all over the floor... and I'm lucky enough to get to pick them up.
uhhh, fellow customers, thanks so much for offering to help me, but I'd prefer it if you just STARE!!

We again lose our place in line and must start over. Lucky for us, the line moves quickly. We get to the counter. The girl rings me up and I tell her (I really did tell her) that as soon as I let go of the boys to get my wallet, one of them is going to take off. Guess what happened next? Aaron took off! Really, he might be Olympic-bound. I told you speed counts. I gave the girl the money, left my bag on the counter, told Jordie to not move a muscle "or else" and took off to find Aaron. He was gone. He's tiny and the bookcases are so tall that it would take a miracle to find him. I knew I only had seconds to get him because I still had Jordan up front ALONE. I'm yelling for him, then I hear his laugh as he's running around the kids' section. I grab him and tell him in no uncertain terms that this is NOT FUNNY! He immediately begins to cry. He's very sensitive. By the time I get back to the checkout, the sales girl is holding my change and I just tell her to throw it in the bag.

We leave. Again, in tears.
What was supposed to be a 20 minute stop in Borders turned into well over an hour.

By the time we got home, Jordan was knocked out. As it turns out... for the night.
Aaron soon followed. Thank God.

Many lessons were learned on this fateful day out...
But I was also happy to learn that even though I was tested... we all made it home safely. and probably not permanently scarred.

"keep pushing me, keep pushing me
keep pushing my love
come on baby, come on darling