Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Two Much

Man on man... time is surely flying!!! My little Owwie just celebrated his 2nd birthday on Saturday. I can't believe what a big boy he is! Almost makes me want to cry. Almost.

Well, we had another full weekend of festivities to commemorate this special occasion. Not to be outdone by Jordie's Diego extravaganza, Aaron got to celebrate with his favorite peeps - Mickey, Goofy and Donald. The boy loves Mickey Mouse...it''s so cute to hear him call out "Ohhhh Tootles!"

Anyway, we got up on Saturday to big hearty bowls of oatmeal! Yum! Again, Owwie's favorite - so I had to indulge (so what if he eats it just about everyday.. lol). We then packed up the car and headed to the aquarium. The boys had no idea where we were going, so they fell right asleep the moment we pulled out of the driveway. They wake up very slowly, so I was quite nervous that they wouldn't be able to pull it together to enjoy all the sea creatures. I forgot who I was dealing with..... Jordan saw a picture of a shark and perked right up! lol

We spent what felt like days at the aquarium looking at all types of fish - from piranhas to jellyfish to sharks and everything in between. We also saw the seals and the penguins and some funky looking frogs. So much fun! The boys didn't want to leave. But we had to. I was STARVING and I refused to spend my life savings on a hot dog and water. Besides, the party was just getting started.

We head back home and I keep the boys outside while we wait for our guests. Because of the whole "broke-ness" which has turned into the theme for 2009, there was to be no party. Our guests just consisted of a few family and friends... a very intimate birthday gathering. It was great.

The boys got to jump in their jumper, they got to blow bubbles, they got to eat (just about) whatever they wanted... and they got cake and ice cream. Sounds like a fun time to me.

The sun slowly went down, and so did my energy. The family left, the boys went to bed and Ty and I got to discuss how the last 2 years have just flown by. I CANNOT believe my little Aaron is 2.

My dear Owwie is a lover, a trouble maker, an instigator, a greedy little eater, and my lovebug! He is the sweetest little boy in the world. He never turns down a hug and always pokes out his cheek when I ask for a kiss. He oftentimes even asks for more and more kisses. so sweet. He also likes to bother his big brother and he can be quite aggressive at times. He's tiny, but he packs a punch! He must get all that strength from NEVER turning down food. He is sooooo greedy, but I just wonder where it all goes. You know he only weighs 22 pounds... and is below the 5th percentile. The doctor isn't worried though, so I try not to be...

So, to my dear son who loves his mommy's kisses, who loves to sing and dance (but it must always be a solo)... to the boy who never keeps his shoes on and we'll often find with just one sock on... to the boy who will eat anything, and I mean anything (does a little poop in the mouth incident ring a bell)... to the boy who will only poop in a clean diaper (which results in us changing 2 diapers within 10 minutes sometimes)... to the boy with the eyelashes that just won't quit... to the boy who all the ladies just adore... to the boy who I just love love love so much..... Happy Birthday!!!!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Indigestion Much

So, I have some major indigestion!!! I know, not the most glamourous subject to discuss, especially after a few weeks of no Much Tuesdays - but for real..... it's some for real gross indigestion! No matter what I eat or what I drink... I can expect some bubbles later on. And by later on, I mean almost immediately.

My digestive tract has gone completely nocturnal! As long as the sun is down, I can eat with minimal problems. So, I'm safe to eat between 9pm and 6am. fun. Isn't it great to be on an involuntary fast everyday! Woo hoo for me! LOL

Anyway, not much else going on here. If you know any remedies you'd like to share, please do!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Graduation Day

Before we even start on the graduation festivities, allow me to take you back a few weeks.

My dear Jordie, the star that he is, came home with a prize one day. The prize was for Good Behavior!! Amazing. Now, Jordie is NOT a bad kid.... not at all - but he does have a penchant for challenging authority. He's a thrill seeker and I think he gets a kick out of testing boundaries. In any event, we were so proud that he was recognized for calming it down a bit!


(sorry for the smile.. this is the best pic out of like 10 that I took)

Nowwww, on to the graduation. The school the boys attend had an end of the year "graduation" for the kids going to kindergarten in September. This "graduation" also included a moving up ceremony for the kids in Jordan's pre-school class into the pre-k class. It's really a big deal. I guess, since the kids are so small they had to include everyone....so, even though Jordie isn't moving up, he got to participate too. How nice.

The program started at 5pm. We got there at 4:58. It was Standing Room Only. If you didn't know better, you would've thought this was a Harvard graduation or something. There were sooooo many people there... and many weren't even parents. They had their video cameras rolling.... balloons blocking views (ya'll know I'm short right!)... flowers, streamers, etc. It was all a bit much. I ended up leaving the room and watching from the window in the hall. I went to get Aaron so he could see his brother simultaneously graduate and get left back! HA!

The kids recited the Pledge of Allegiance, they sang songs, they danced... it was all very merry. The pre-k class even recited some poetry while also performing full-body sign language! No, it wasn't mime... it was sign language, but with high kicks and neck rolls. Really, quite informative.

Of course, after this major accomplishment (first of MANY graduations).. we had to have a celebratory dinner. Applebees it is! (did you think we would go somewhere else on J's special day?? lol)

So, here are some pics of this most auspicious occasion. Ty played photog, so sorry for the blurry dark pics.

In this pic, Jordie is getting his "diploma," but he had already been given a bag of tootsie rolls - hence his complete lack of interest in receiving proper documentation of attending school for 2 months! lol

Our Jordie graduated!!!! WOO HOO!! Magna Cum Laude I might add!!! LOL

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Whatcha Doin'?

a little of this...

a little of that...

a whole lot of this...

and a smidgen of that...


Yaaawwwwnnnn! All that activity sure makes a PinkGirl tired!!