Sunday, January 11, 2009

Hoop Dreams

Jordie made the team!!
Jordie made the team!!

Well, there is no actual team, but Jordan was granted access to participate in the class strictly designated for 3 - 6 year olds. The whole process required a computer override and everything!

Jordan started the class on a probationary period to see if he could keep up with the other kids. Of course my babydoll was the star of the show!!! And by star I mean he blended in quite nicely! HA!
So, for the next 7 weeks Jordie will be honing his basketball skills... at which time he'll (I'm sure) just re-enter the class for an additional 7 weeks.

One of the local Baptist associations (Eastern Keystone something or other... sorry the name escapes me) hosted a "Joy Night" at the Sixers game on Friday. Quite a few of us from Prince of Peace attended and had a FABOO time! I'm really happy we went. It was a nice time to fellowship with others, get the boys out, do something different blah blah blah. After the game, a few choirs put on a "concert." Very nice, but also very late. Owwie was having a fit!!! he didn't much care for the concert.... or the 4th quarter!!

Me, Tif & Jace enjoying the game....
trying to avoid a nosebleed!!! LOL

PRE meltdown!!! They had such a good time!

This has nothing to do with basketball, but the Eagles beat the Giants today. This is supposedly a really big deal b/c of rivalries and playoffs... *insert blank face*
I could NOT care less...

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