Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year

I've been gone for some time, but I've made my resolutions...
In 2009, I resolve to:
1. keep the blog alive
2. be personally fulfilled
3. exercise (not necessarily a lot... just at all)
4. keep in touch with my friends and just be a better friend in total
5. continue to grow spiritually

I've been sick for almost 2 weeks now, but I can honestly say 2009 is TERRIFIC already!! I'm not an optimist by nature but I think if I keep telling myself positive things and if I FOCUS on the positive as much as possible - it can indeed become my reality.

I'll have to post some pictures of Q4 2008 some time soon. I had a great birthday, Jordan went to the carnival (2 days in a row), we went to the orchard, had a great Thanksgiving, a GREAT GREAT Christmas and a really nice New Year's celebration. All of the aforementioned should be properly documented.

This blue world of mine keeps me busy.... but I wouldn't change a thing!!!!

Happy New Year All!!!! God bless you - EVEYRONE!

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