So, when I found out I was pregnant for the second time I knew that I wanted to start all sorts of traditions for my family - Easter eggs, going to the pumpkin patch before Halloween, Christmas morning breakfast, family fun nights, etc. The boys and I went to the pumpkin patch last October and we plan to go again in a couple of weeks for this year's trip. I'm excited! We're still working on Christmas. We've gotta work out the kinks but we're getting there. So far, we have the boys in their Christmas pajamas and we have a big breakfast on Christmas morning. I think I'm gonna also let them open one gift on Christmas Eve - that won't be a big deal until they are older though.
ANYWAY, since we reached the milestone of everyone in the house eating the same meals - I decided to start my dinner and a movie tradition. We had to wait until Aaron could eat what we eat before we could start. I'm glad we waited! :-) We'll do it one Friday a month and I'm proud to report we started this past Friday. We had a 'picnic' on the living room floor eating pizza and drinking chocolate milk and tasty apples for dessert. Our movie of the evening was Finding Nemo. It was a HUGE success!! I can't wait for next month's festivities. Maybe we'll watch The Great Pumpkin since we'll be nearing Halloween. In the meantime, check out my boys....
The 2 AJ's (and Jordie's sneaker!) :-D
Apples give Jordie superpowers! lol
As I said, this has been an extraordinarily long week. I tried to fit so much in to my schedule that it became obscene. I'm paying for it now b/c my body is wearing down and I am so fatigued. I just have to make sure I don't get worse! *looking for my ecinacea*
So, I had family coming into town yesterday to attend my sorority's annual scholarship luncheon and fashion show. I was doing all I could to prepare for them. I was cooking, cleaning, shopping, etc in preparation. I probably went a bit overboard, but I wanted everything to be nice for them. So, while the boys were watching Nemo I headed back to the kitchen to make food for Saturday. I made a muy delicioso chicken pot pie and some apple bars - very cakey and super YUMMY! neither dish was very complicated to prepare, but both happened to be quite labor intensive. Once I finished with that and got the boys to bed - I had to finish cleaning my house! AHHHHH! I thought I had made more progress during the week, but I guess not. I didn't get to bed until 3am!!! Once I got up there, I looked at my cell phone (error #1) and saw a text from my boss. He is in Hong Kong so I knew he would be awake - so, I replied (error #2). He wrote back. It was funny b/c he asked why I was still up and if I had just gotten home! I literally LOL'ed. I told him I WISH my life was that glamorous!!! LMBO!!! Anyway, as it turns out, he needed help editing an org chart!!?!???!?!??!?!?!?!!!????!!!?! I went BACK DOWNSTAIRS, turned my computer on, made the necessary changes and hit the send button as fast as I could!!!!! (error #3). On my flight back up the stairs, I had to ask myself why I answered the text!!! Too funny.... Or rather, too sad! LOL
Ok, wow - I really do ramble on don't I.
So, the fashion show on Saturday was a huge success. We had a great turnout, great activity with our raffles and our silent auction. We had some great vendors. And the best part - just about everyone from my table won a door prize!! HOLLA!!! There were a few intense moments (gotta love the seniors), but all in all, a great day! So, the show was supposed to end at 3pm, but we didn't get out until close to 4. My mom and Aunt Vic came back to the house to see the boys. Of course THEY BOTH WERE SLEEPING!!! LOL YAY, they decided to wake up. Tif came over too so mommy could see Jace. He is too cute! It was great having them all over, but can I please tell you how tired I was!!!! I couldn't keep my eyes open for anything. Mommy and Vicki had quite a drive ahead of them, so they didn't stay long.

They left by about 7pm and Tif was gone by about 8pm. I left Aaron downstairs with Ty and I took Jordie upstairs so we could chill out in the big bed before night night time. I turned on Backyardigans for him and that actually allowed me to close my eyes for a few minutes. I was quickly awakened by a little toddler playing footsies with me. I asked Jordie what he was doing and he said 'touching toes.' It was soooo sweet. Maybe it was just my fatigue talking, but in that moment, nothing could have made me happier. I just changed the name to toe kisses...and he was so generous with them and was more than happy to toe kiss me goodnight! What a special boy i have! MUAHHHHHH to you too Jordie - from my big toe to yours! LOL
WHEEEWWWW.... this is the reason I need to blog more often.
So, I wake up today and I'm still exhausted! I can't seem to get it together. We all made it to Sunday School this morning, so that made me EXTRA happy. We so often try, but we're all a little too slow in the morning. I hope we can go more often - especially since I want to pick my French class back up. The boys were in rare form today and nothing was working to get them to calm down. Needless to say, we left church early. I was just way too tired to wrestle with them in there. My patience was on "E"! We left and the boys were both asleep before we even turned off the block. We all took about a 2 hour nap that afternoon. I woke up, not really refreshed, but ready to finish my day. I was in a bit of a funk, and I knew I had to go see Shana - but I didn't want to go with that attitude. It was too late for lunch but not quite time for dinner, so I just made a quick fruit salad so they wouldn't be starving. It looked quite yummy (apples, grapes, blueberries & strawberries), but I wanted realllllllll food! ;-)
Yummy fruit!! I love those little hands!
Anyway, before I knew it, it was 6pm! I had to get to the
Seeing her was GREAT! She had her surgery on Thursday and today is just Sunday - she looked FABULOUS!!!!!! She's not moving much, but that will come soon enough. The surgery went well and the surgeons ended up only taking her spleen and part of her pancreas! Isn't God good????!!!! He is able!!! WOO HOO!!! I am so excited for her! I mean, this is not the ideal situation for her, but things are still wayyyy better than they could have been. She has a long road ahead of her, but we're all here to support her. I'm just so proud of her!
Going to see her tonight served a few different purposes.
1. I got to see my dear friend and let her know I'm here for her.
2. I got a quick break from the boys (I love them, but and
3. It wasn't intended but it offered me some new perspective on life (& all its ups and downs).
You never know what is in store for your life and you can't always sweat the small stuff. Shana went through something major and just to see her afterward makes me so appreciative of what I've got going for me. My days don't always go according to plan, my house can sometimes be a big mess, my attitude oftentimes needs adjusting - but I have my health, I have my sanity, I have a wonderful family!!! I am BLESSED BEYOND MEASURE! So, thank you Shana..... This is probably just the tip of the iceberg in terms of the lessons we'll all learn from this surgery. I know it's all for God's glory and I can see that manifesting itself already.
So, three cheers for Lil Sha Sha!!!
And with that, I bid you adieu....
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