My head hurt, I had no appetite, I craved solitude and I seemed to be bothered by what some would consider minutia.
I walked through my door this evening after a long day at work and all I wanted to do was kiss my babies and get a glass of water. That's not too much to ask is it? Well, I walked through the door and the mess I saw was UNBELIEVABLE!!! Like, it takes some serious effort to create that kind of mess. The sink was full of dishes, the counters had crumbs all over it, the floor was covered with debris.. I mean, EVERY room was its own personal disaster. This just set me off....
I could not utter a word. Can you believe that?? ME, silenced!! HA!
Ty, I guess sensing my fury, quickly left to get a haircut. Uhhh, buh bye! grrrrrrr
So, I commenced to making the boys their dinner. Chicken and broccoli - quick and easy. That's all I could muster on this fine evening. Jordie was taking a late nap (I think he sensed something and Owwie was joining my pity party b/c he started H.O.W.L.I.N.G!!! He cries when he's hungry, but he was crying as if he hadn't been fed in his entire 14.5 months! It's funny now, but a few hours ago...not so much.
Owwie is a GREAT eater and eating really livens him up. And just like that....I was cured! Good moods really can be contagious! I love my Owwie!!!
How could you stay angry looking at this lovebug!!! Such a sweetie pie!

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