Monday, March 23, 2009

TTG #2: I Will Seek Wisdom

We're only on the second point and already I'm having overwhelming feelings of inadequacy!! LOL I kid, but I'm not joking..

So now our protagonist, David Ponder, has left Truman and has landed at the feet of King Solomon. They discussed keeping wise counsel and how it is beneficial to surround yourself with likeminded (progressive, even) people. He stressed the importance of 'guarding your associations' closely and to not tolerate mediocrity. The king instructed him ad nauseum to SEEK WISDOM.

Then, the king stated something that really struck a cord with me. To me, he was talking about working through adversity and finding the lesson in the struggle. Not an easy task, but a task we ALL must face (at some point). He said, "It is never the duty of a leader to struggle for someone else; a leader must encourage others to struggle and assure them that the struggles are worthwhile. Do battle with the challenges of your present, and you will unlock the prizes of your future."

Absorption is taking place.

"My past can never be changed, but I can change the future by changing my actions today."
"I will seek wisdom. I will listen to the counsel of wise men."
"I will become a humble servant. I will not look for someone to open my door - I will look to open the door for someone."

Personal fave...
"I will choose my friends with care."

The personal fave is short and to the point. How many of you can say you've never been burned by your 'friends' only to realize they were never friends from the start!! We are the company we keep. If I'm slumming it with lowly individuals - what does that make me??
Let's seek upward and onward - everyday is a new opportunity for growth!

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