Yesterday was May 11. The day marked a very special day in the BlueWorld household. Our Jordie turned three years old!!! I CANNOT believe it! Really, I can't. Just yesterday I was single, childless, and broke. Now I'm married, with children, and broke. My how things change.
Even though it was also Mother's Day weekend, we had to go all out to celebrate Jordie's birthday since there would be no parties this year. Did I mention we were broke. And we had all of our money stolen out of our bank account (which we still haven't gotten back... uggghhh).
The celebration started on Saturday morning. The boys woke up to the smell of....
well, nothing. I was still asleep. The boys woke me up in typical fashion and I groggily went downstairs to start breakfast. I made my Jordie (& his very greedy brother) a wonderful pancake breakfast.
Would you believe Aaron ate 6 pancakes, 3 pieces of bacon, a bowl of applesauce, a banana and finished it off with a cup of juice!!! His metabolism is crazy (the doctors were a bit concerned because he won't gain weight). I think Jordan only at 4 pancakes.
After breakfast, Ty took Jordan to get his birthday haircut. He desperately needed one...
They returned and it was Aaron's turn. Ty cut Aaron's hair himself. Aaron was (to my surprise) very agreeable.
After haircuts, we got dressed dressed and headed out the door.
After a 90 minute (10 mile) drive, we finnnaallly arrive at the zoo. Jordan was too excited!
I didn't make the mistake I made before... Ty and I took TWO strollers! Forget the double stroller, forget walking with two rambunctious toddlers, forget being ambitious.... time to get practical! LOL
Here are my boys checking out some hippos or turtles or something... how cute are they!! :-)
This HUGE gorilla just got finished swinging from a rope (a la Tarzan), banging his entire body against the window (scaring me half to death), and falling to the ground. This is the aftermath... silly gorilla!
After a GREAT time at the zoo.... we went to see GG. She and Tif & Will were going to join us for a celebratory dinner at Jordie's FAVE spot.. wait for it...
Applebees!!! LOL He loves that place!
So we ate, we drank, and were quite merry. Then.... the waiters came around and sang to my Jordie! They sang to a 3 year old! I didn't know they did that!! LOL
Anyway, here he is with his birthday chocolate mousse (that his mom politely stole and devoured within seconds! Thanks for sharing J)!
That was about all the celebration we could muster for one day.... but that certainly was not the last of it. After all, his actual birthday was on Monday!
Like any good mom, I spent my Mother's Day making cupcakes for Jordie's class. I made the mini cupcakes (just enough sugar for a toddler) and found they were quite harder to handle than the regular sized ones. *shrugs* Then I tried to get fancy and dye my icing... some were blue... others were green. ALL were eaten! Ms. D (Jordie's teacher) said I'm the new favorite mom of the class!! I'm so honored.
After I picked the boys up, we head home for the real birthday "party." GG, Tif (& Jace), Shana and Ms. Beale came over for pizza and cake to celebrate the big 0-3! The theme of the party was Go Diego Go! as you can tell by the pics below.
Ahhh yes, this is also the same boy who refuses to go to the potty consistently, who throws tantrums like NO OTHER, and who kept Mommy in labor for 17 hours before being yanked out with that suction device!!
Love you Jordie!!
1 comment:
Seriously cutie-pie boys! :)
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