Thursday, April 30, 2009

Hot Boys

My boys really make me laugh!! Just thinking about some of our daily goings-ons make me giggle a bit. Like, I'm laughing right now..... but I'm sure no one else would find it funny. Jordan is quite the comedian, but dear Aaron.... he is just a clown! He'll do anything for a laugh... and even at his tender age (not quite 2), he can make himself laugh at just about anything!!! Have you ever seen a baby fall out laughing at their own "jokes???" That's my Aaron! Ha!

In addition to be hilarious, my boys are also very very hot! It doesn't take much to make them sweat, so I'm reeeeaaallly looking forward to many stinky sweaty summers ahead! Ha!

So, two quick semi-funny, semi-sweaty stories. Please indulge me.

Number 1:
After the heatwave this past weekend, I found 2 red melted crayons in Aaron's carseat. Fun. Being as though I'm always the super-prepared, always ready for anything, OCD type of mom (yeah right!).. I knew just what to do to keep the crayon from potentially ruining my Owwie's khaki shorts. That's right, I laid a cute winter hat in the seat for Aaron to sit on. Talk about preparation.

Moving on..
So we're all in the car. Ty is driving. When he drives I get rubbernecking fever... I'm constantly looking at the boys. So, I turn around to catch a glimpse and what do I see? Aaron wearing the winter hat. He was just looking out the window, not doing anything funny. But when we locked eyes, we both fell out laughing! It was 90+ degrees. Picture a baby in shorts and a t-shirt with a winter hat on - big ol' pompom on top and everything! The whole car erupted in laughter!

I guess you had to be there..
(it really was funny, though

Number 2:
It's still hot. The boys are still sweaty. I'm still lazy and didn't want to cook dinner. We go to one of our favorite spots - GG's house! YAY GG!!! We had dinner over there, played for a bit, watched tv, etc. Then it was time to go.

So, we're all in the car. Ty is driving. Let the rubbernecking begin.
This time, the boys and I are singing songs, playing peek-a-boo, etc. They do such a good job that I ask Jordan for a high five. We are big time high fivers at Chez BlueWorld! Anyway, since it's nighttime, the car is dark. I ask for my high five and what do I get? A hand full of mitten!! Yeah, that's right, mitten. I was so surprised that we all once again fell out laughing!! I mean, why was he wearing mittens??? When did he put them on? How come I was the only one who didn't notice?

Again, I guess you had to be there.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Boys Much

Even after the way my darling babydolls treated me last week... I still couldn't wait for the weekend when we would have hours upon hours of uninterrupted fun!! What's better is that we extended our fun into Monday.... we just couldn't get enough of eachother!!!

Where do I begin?? :-)

Friday is as good a day as any. Well, I picked the boys up from "school" and the weather was still warm so we went right outside to play! (after dinner of course - because of this new schedule we're on, they now eat dinner early bird style at 5:30). We played and played and lights out at 8:30! Whew, Mommy was tired! Happy, but tired!

On to Saturday...
After our morning rituals of breakfast and potty time, the boys and I met up with Auntie, Uncle Will and Xavier at a music class for toddlers. The boys had been once before when I was out of town, and I was told they (Jordie) had a good time so we invited ourselves back! When we arrived everyone remembered the boys - that was a nice surprise. Of course, Jordie jumped right into the fun!

I think we have a drummer in our midst!

The class was okay... but I'm not in a rush to go back. Aaron never really warmed up to it... which was surprising since he's such a music lover!!! Plus, it was a bit too hokey for me. A bit too folksy. The boys may like it, but after the 3rd week, I'd probably want to shoot myself. I'm glad we went though. Thanks Tif!

Once we left the class, we went back home to get changed! Our day was just beginning.

I got everything together and the 3 of us headed out to the park. for fun. in the sun. the extra hot sun. fun in the oppressive heat of the sun. Did I mention the hot sun? Well, it was hot.

It was hot as blazes out (the BESTEST kind of weather) but we wouldn't be dettered. As soon as we got there, Jordie took off!!! I reeled him back in as we had to stick to the agenda!! Doesn't he know how I operate by now! LOL I lay out a blanket and sit the boys down for a scrumptious picnic. We LOVE picnics. like, a lot. Yummy pb&j and sliced apples.

Just over Jordie's left shoulder (in the pic below) is the playground. I tried to sit him with his back to it so he could concentrate on lunch, but he kept sneaking peeks over that shoulder for what was to come. He is so funny!

As much as I love hot sunny weather (I realllllly do)... I couldn't focus like I wanted. So, I didn't take any more pictures. What a shame too because we had so much fun!!! We were out there for like an hour and a half having the times of our lives (at least Jordie & Owwie were.. haha).

So, we leave the park. The boys need a nap. Mommy needs a nap. We have about a 40 minute drive ahead of us, so the boys got a little respite in the car.

Funny story... So I told you we got a new truck, right? I also told you we got a reeeaaallllllly good deal, right? Did I mention that I often wondered why the dealer practically gave the truck away? Well, I thought I found the answer. We got it in November when air conditioning wasn't needed. Since we are in the midst of a heatwave, I thought I would snatch the viriginity from the a/c unit. Joke's on me. It didn't work. So, the boys are sweating (which they do anyway), the sun is beaming on us, and the best I can do is get the a/c to blow just cooler than warm air. The air that was blowing wasn't warm, but it wasn't cool.... it was right in between. Just awful.

I guess that wasn't such a funny story.

Anyway, we arrive at this lady's house [see lady below] to help her bring in her 30-somethingTH year. (I try not to reveal ages round these parts). But really, she doesn't look a day over 18 does she?? I remember when we first met I thought she was younger than me, by at least a few years - and I met her when I was 19!!

So we get there and I tell everyone my not-so-funny story...and they all look at me like I'm the biggest idiot in the world. I have a Chrysler, the bday girl has a Chrysler and Tif has a Dodge. They then informed me how to properly work the a/c and that I should be publicly flogged for torturing the boys like that. Can I get a do-over??

I soooooo wish I took pictures at the bday bbq. Sooooo much fun! I brought the boys' bikes up with us and they looked so cute riding around on them.... or rather being pushed by everyone in their line of sight. I hope they get the hang of it soon.. my back still hurts!

After our full day out galavanting the streets of SE Pennsylvania, we finally got back home at 10pm. The boys were fast asleep and I was sure after all that excitement that they would sleep later than usual on Sunday.

I was wrong. They woke up extra early. Ready to do it all again. Ummm, no thanks.

We went to church and picked Dad up afterwards for the family dinner. Again, I wish I took pics. I love having everyone together... and I'm sentimental like a mofo!

On to Monday...
Business as usual - until I realized the date! It was the 27th.... very close to the 30th. Why does that matter? Because the whole month has passed and we never did our monthly dinner and a movie. How can that be????

So even though Ty had class, we pressed on without him. We had our favorite dinner & a movie fare - PIZZA! And we watched Toy Story. I forgot how much I liked that movie. (did i ever say what we watched in March? I'm trying to keep a record. We watched Fly Me to the Moon. Jordan loves bugs and he LOVE LOVE LOVES the moon. it was a winner!)

So, that was our long weekend! I wish I could say "in a nutshell" but we all know brevity ain't my thing!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Busy Busy

The devil is sooo busy!! He has been working overtime in my life this week! Please keep PinkLady's family in prayer because this rain cloud that took up residence over our house must now vacate. I'm ready for some sunshine!

This has been a really crappy week.... any way you look at it! I've been getting hit from all sides and I just need a little break. May I have a break please?

So, Ty and I have seen better days.
I'll just leave it at that.
Please pray for us.

So, the boys have acted a damn fool EVERY night this week! I know they are adjusting to this new schedule and all, but the tantrums have got to stop! How do you scream, cry, kick, hit, fall out, throw things, AND laugh for 3 hours straight.... no breaks??? Kids are amazing. It's just crazy that they act so funky at home but their teachers always comment how sweet and polite and quiet they are during the day! Ummmm, what?? My kids?? Yeah, they're polite, but quiet??? That's almost laughable.

Oh yeah, and every morning Jordie politely tells me that he does not want to go back to school. Yesterday he said, "Mommy, I went to school 3 days - I don't want to go 2 more days." First, that is soooo cute, but really.... he is too much! LOL

Enough about the boys. They are having growing pains... as am I, apparently.
Please pray for us.

Now, for the ugliest news I've had to share on this here blog! Ugggggghhhh, I cringe just thinking about it!

So, some super brazen chick walks into the bank (a branch I've never been to, btw) and requests to make a withdrawal for A LARGE SUM OF $$! I won't say how much, but it was a lot!! The teller takes her withdrawal slip (already completed with account information AND signature) and requests to see valid ID to complete the transaction. This heffa presents the teller with a driver's license and proceeds to count her money as she walks out the bank!

Now, this wouldn't be breaking news if she didn't SIGN MY NAME and use MY DRIVER'S LICENSE to take money out of MY ACCOUNT!!!! da hell???

domino effect.

Since this has happened all of my automatic payments have fallen through. I started an investigation to catch the perpetrator, so the bank froze my account to avoid any further fraudulent activity. The bank also wouldn't give me a provisional credit, so I am just sitting here with NO MONEY (she left me with $41 in my account). They did allow me to take my last $41 until the investigation is complete. *eyeroll* Uhh, yeah, switching banks.... like yesterday!

I am still in shock! I had to file 2 police reports, sign affadavits, call every creditor I can think of, etc etc. This is just unreal.

Now, after reading all this - you can't tell me the devil isn't busy!! Grrrrrrr
He is a liar and a thief, but thank God he is no match for my Savior!!!
Please keep us all in prayer!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Adjustment Much

Soooo, there have been some major changes at Chez BlueWorld! Good changes, I guess... but this is definitely an adjustment period. for all of us.

Last weekend, Ty laid down some ceramic tile in our kitchen. Major improvement!! I wanted to post some before/after pics, but forgot to take before pics. oh well.

Ty got a job (outside of the house) (after a very long time at home with the boys). We're all super happy for him but his new schedule has him working from 6am til 2:30! YIKES! Then, you know he's still in school in the evenings. let's all keep him (& his energy levels) in prayer. I hope he adjusts to his new schedule with minimal problems. he gets cranky when he's overtired...

So, I now have the pleasure of getting the boys dressed and ready in the wee hours of the morning by myself... after they had grown accustomed to hanging out in their pj's for any given amount of time during the day. adjustment period.

Why am I getting them dressed and ready you ask??? Because we had to enroll them into daycare! We didn't want to do it, but with both of us working outside the house we thought it best to not leave them home alone. :-)

So, the boys are up and out by 7:45 for a fun-filled day with snotty nosed, germy, social misfits! Errrr uhhhh, I mean lovely, well-mannered, manicured little tikes. whatever.
Yesterday was their first day. The drop-off went very very well. a little too well if you ask me. I couldn't even get Jordie out of the carseat before he was trying to run inside to see what was in store for him and his brother.

Aaron, comme d'habitude, was a bit apprehensive at first. He has NEVER been in daycare and he's a bit timid in new situations anyway. He stood back and watched Jordan play (who never took his coat or backpack off...ya know, because of the excitement!). I took Aaron to his classroom, where there were no kids. He LOVED that! lol He got busy and played and spoke to his teacher. It was all very cute. I left him and went back to Jordan's room. I was standing in the hall when Aaron walked by. He didn't even speak. Not even a wave. hmmmmpphh
I try to pretend I don't care, but I gotta say - that one stung a bit.

So, I left.
There were no tears, no tantrums, no "Mommmmmmmmmyyyy, don't go." Nada. I'm happy they adapt well, but still.. c'mon..

All in all the day went well. Jordie refused to go to the potty and had an accident. I had to pick him up because somehow the change of clothes I sent with him were soaking wet. As it turns out a cup of juice spilled all over everything in his bag. It was towards the end of the day anyway, so they did well. It was nice to see how happy they were to see me though. Jordie ran over to me in his heavy wet jeans... big toothy grin. such a doll! Aaron was waving to me and of course wanted to be picked up... another big grin. such a sweetie pie!

BUT OMG!!!!!!!
The night was awful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There aren't enough exclamation points to emphasize how awful last night truly was!!! A.W.F.U.L. !!
Yesterday was just too much for them. They had no idea how to adjust once they got home. They were completely over-stimulated. They were yelling (at me), pushing (me), bullying (me), demanding food RIGHT NOW (all night), crying (we all took turns). And this is all in the course of about 3 hours. It was the longest 3 hours of my life. I think what made it so bad was because Ty was in class and I was exhausted (I had been up since 5am... getting Ty off for work). Oh yeah, and I'm working on day 8 (!!) of a nasty cold mixed in with some gross allergies. yuck.
Sleep deprivation + sickness + cranky toddlers = CHAOS!

Aaron was in bed at 7:45. That's the earliest he's been to bed since infancy.
Jordan was in bed at 8:30.
The house was quiet by 9... and I was in bed by about 10:30... not bad for me.
We're all adjusting to this new (stricter) schedule.

I wish I could say this morning went as well as yesterday. Definite adjustment period. Despite the glowwwwing remarks by both Jordan and his teacher (he's super-intelligent.. :-D)... Jordan told me this morning that he did NOT want to go back. And if he had to go, I had to stay with him. I actually had to hold his hand to get him through the door. so sad. He was fine though once he got settled.

We'll see how tonight goes. I'm desperately hoping for better results!
Wish us luck!

still adjusting..

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

TTG #5: Today I Will Choose To Be Happy

This section was a bit tough to get through. for a few reasons.

David has left Christopher Columbus and is now in the company of Anne Frank.

Knowing that David is speaking to a child (& we all know how that story ends) is a bit tough for me. It wasn't easy for me to read knowing her fate. It was also a bit tough for me because I can't say that I'm all too happy. right now. The devil is busy and just saying "I choose to be happy" isn't enough. it'll get better... I'm sure of that!

Back to David and Anne.

The scene began in truly dramatic fashion. I won't spoil it for you, but the intense nature of Anne and her family's situation was not lost on me. Once the drama dies down, Anne takes David upstairs where they begin their chat.
Anne told David all about their current living conditions, how long they've been there, who the other family is with them, how they get food, etc etc. Upon hearing all the details, David could not understand how Anne could have such a sunny disposition. Through it all, she remained happy and optimistic.

Even after David pointedly told Anne how deplorable her living conditions were, she simply told him that she chooses to be grateful and chooses not to complain. Amazing.

One thing that Anne said that is a pretty deep nugget is that we "must remember that life itself is a privilege, but to live life to its fullest - well, that is a choice!" Deep, right!

"Today I will choose to be happy. I will greet each day with laughter."
"Today I will choose to be happy. I will smile at every person I meet."
"Today I will choose to be happy. I am the professor of a grateful spirit."

personal fave..
"I am grateful for sight and sound and breath. If ever in my life there is a pouring out of blessings beyond that, then I will be grateful for the miracle of abundance."

still digesting...

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Avon Much

Welcome one, welcome all!
Please allow me the opportunity to introduce you to PinkLady, your newest Avon Lady.

I am very excited about this recent venture and I look forward to serving you ALL with all the great buys Avon has to offer! My mom was an Avon lady years ago so I was exposed to the many beauty and skin care products they sold.... but I had no idea how much they've expanded over the years!! Makeup is just the tip of the iceberg! Avon sells EVERYTHING!!! Like, seriously. I had no idea. And as the cherry on top... everything is soooo affordable! I'm not kidding. There's always some kind of sale going on... and I'm loving it! HA!

My only fear with this is that I won't make any money. It's not that I won't make any sales (I'm counting on YOU! :-D)... it's that I think I'm going to be my own best customer. There's so much I want to buy!! Lotions and potions and clothes and purses and perfumes and inspirational items and makeup and jewelry and watches and stuff for kids and I could go on and on.
And you know what's great, ladies?? Avon has this cool partnership with Curves! They are all about wellness! Woo Hoo!
Did you know Derek Jeter has a men's cologne through Avon? How about Patrick Dempsey?? I knowwwww.. I didn't know either!! Can you tell I'm a little excited?? LOL

Anyway, allow me to give you the link to my online store because there's tons more on there than in the physical brochure I have with me.

What I've told you is just the beginning. One of these days I'll have to tell you about their activism efforts. I'm all about empowering the community and I do my fair share of community service, so it's nice to see a company joining in on the effort! Avon works hard in the fight against breast cancer and they (we) are also fighting the good fight against domestic violence. Two very important causes.

Soooo Happy Shopping... and let everyone know that PinkLady sent you!
(& thanks for your business)

p.s. if you have any questions about any of the products or you're looking for something in particular... please let me know how I can help. I'm all about customer service with a smile! :-)

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Wake Up!

I've been asleep for the last week or so.
I am soooo unbelievably tired!
I wish I could blame it on sleep deprivation in the past, but alas, I cannot.
I know, I should try a multivitamin.

Can I please tell you how tired I've been????
Like, soooooooo tired!

Last night, towards the end of dinner.. I informed my dear Jordie that since Mommy was so tired that we'd all be going to bed a bit earlier than usual. Since Daddy had class and wouldn't be around for bedtime duty... I knew I had to work fast before I finally zonked out on the stairs.

The evening progressed rather smoothly. The boys didn't protest too much. Thank goodness.
We finished dinner, washed little faces and hands, had potty time, changed diapers, put on pj's...
Then Jordie asked me if they could go downstairs to play for a bit. I politely informed him that that was an impossibility due to the aforementioned fatigue.

He then asked me if I could just lay on the couch while he and Aaron played.

Something about his last statement made me go hmmmmmm. It wasn't so much what he said, but how he said it!! LOL Like, "Mom, all you do is lay on the couch these days anyway... can't you just lay there onnnneeee morrrrre night so we can play???!?!?!!" The difference is... Daddy is usually there to keep a watchful eye for when I finally doze off.

Don't worry, I'll get it together! One of these days my body will recognize that it's spring... and I'll have all types of energy!

oh btw... I did end up letting the boys play for an additional 30 minutes. I'm some kind of pushover.... they're just too cute!

p.s. please keep my dear Mommom in prayer. she had to have an intestinal procedure done today so she's recovering in the hospital. thanks much!