Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Fiddle Much

I like to try new things.
That's just my style.

I've had many hobbies over the years, but I've been careful to not let them interfere with my "life." Family comes first and hobbies just fit in somewhere down the line. For instance, I love to play tennis. I played a few times a week for years prior to the babies. After Jordie was born, I played twice... then I found out I was preggo again. Since Aaron, I haven't played once. It's just no longer convenient. The coach I was working with is now too far away. The places where I've looked that are closer to home are too expensive. It's just too much work for me right now to fit it in.

So, I'm looking for something else to occupy my time (as if my schedule isn't jampacked already).

I'll let you know what I come up with.

What do you (as wives) do when your husband's hobbies interfere with "life??" When you make a healthy decision for the family to take a step back and old husbo doesn't make the same decision... what do you do? Even better question... what do you do if the hobby itself is unhealthy??? Like, no good can come from it.. Inquiring minds...

I'm just not much for taking a backseat to hobbies.
Fiddle with this, fiddle with that... but don't forget to fiddle with me too! (& I mean that in the most innocent way.. lol)

Monday, March 30, 2009

TTG #4: I Have a Decided Heart

David is now on the Santa Maria with Christopher Columbus!
While I don't envy David's current station (I'm not much for primitive living)... this turned out to be a VERY important chapter. God doesn't make mistakes, and I cannot thank Him enough for planning my life in this millenium and this century.... there's no way I would have survived in the 1400's... thank God for his omniscience!!!


David and Chris (we're homies now) are sailing to the "new world" and all the while enduring tough sea life (I've only been on Caribbean cruises, so I can't relate in the least bit). Chris tells David how it took him nearly two decades to receive the support, funding, team, etc etc to even START the voyage. He just knew that there was a trade route to the West and he was determined to find it. Later in the chapter, the officers decided that they had had enough and could go no further. They were skeptical to begin with and after sailing for 64 days with no land in sight... they were THROUGH! Captain Columbus refused to listen, stuck with his convictions, and pressed on. Well, we know how that turned out!

This chapter is especially important because it's all about convictions! What do you do when your convictions are tested? Doubted? Mocked? Despite the naysayers, Christopher Columbus knew with absolute certainty that the world was not flat and that he would at some point find land. Can you imagine how crazy everyone must have thought he was???? What a position to be in!

"I am passionate about my vision for the future."
"My thoughts and actions will work in a forward motion, never sliding into the dark forest of doubt or the muddy quicksand of self-pity."
"A person without a dream never had a dream come true."
"All my problems become smaller when I confront them."
"My course has been charted. My destiny is assured."

personal fave...
"I am not timid. I will move now and not look back."

We all know I am not timid in an everyday life sense, but I am VERY timid when it comes to decision making... and sticking to that decision! With every decision comes major anxiety... then backtrack... then change of decision... then back to original decision. It can get very ugly (& tiring). I am learning to make a decision, stick with it... and NOT LOOK BACK! that's major!

Friday, March 27, 2009


Today, God is FIRST!!
Thank God it's Friday!!

Today, I'm grateful that...
~the sun is shining
~it's above 60 degrees
~the weekend is here
~even though I'm sick (again!), I had a relatively nice week
~I have a quiet weekend planned
~I have cake to eat (sweet tooth, remember)
~I get to go to sleep early (10pm is WAY early for me)
~2 movies are waiting for me to watch

It's quiet and I like that. I don't feel well, but I have some peace to help soothe me. I'm so happy it's the weekend....blissfully happy. Weekends usually don't mean much to me b/c I always have so much going on that it doesn't feel any different from an average weekday. It's sooooo nice to have nothing to do for a change. *clicks heels*

Before I go, let me just say that right now I am also most grateful for that fantastic invention of the Magic Eraser!! I LOVE IT!!!!! It comes in so handy when you have 2 boys who refuse to stop coloring on the walls (no matter how many coloring books they have).

Off to scrub the walls again...
then off to bed...

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

TTG #3: I Am a Person of Action

Let the time travel begin! David is now chatting with Joshua Chamberlain who is a Colonel in the Union Army during the Civil War.

This section lost me a bit. I mean, I know time travel isn't possible and I should just look beyond that. I also know that no one in these scenes can see David except for the one giving him the 'useful' information. BUT, I draw the line when I'm expected to believe that these two engaged in MEANINGFUL dialogue in the midst of a war! in.the.midst.of.a.war.

Ok, let's move on.

They are surrounded by death, they are running out of ammunition and the enemy is coming! Perfect time to discuss the nothingness that is David's life. (please note blatant sarcasm)


Even with the INcredible scenario we've been presented.... we definitely do come away with some food for thought. Still digesting.

Col. Chamberlain has been put in charge of the front line soldiers and, of course, must make some tough decisions in practically no time at all. When faced with a decision, make one! The Confederates were within eyesight, the soldier count was dismal and they were running out of ammunition! Can Col. Chamberlain save the day??? Why, of course! Thanks to TAKING ACTION! He thought on his feet and directed the soldiers to CHARGE! CHARGE! And with that, the Confederates retreated and surrendered. Wow. Just wow.

"My future is immediate. I will grasp it in both hands and carry it with running feet."
"When I am faced with the choice of doing nothing or doing something, I will always choose to act."
"Leading is doing."
"My activity will create a wave of success for the people who follow."
"As a leader, I have the ability to encourage and inspire others to greatness."
"I am daring. I am courageous."
"Failure exists only for the person who quits. I do not quit." - this one was major b/c I am such a quitter!!

personal fave...
"When faced with a decision, many people say they are waiting for God. But I understand, in most cases, God is waiting for me! He has given me a healthy mind to gather and sort information and the courage to come to a conclusion. I am not a quivering dog, indecisive and fearful. My constitution is strong and my pathway clear."

dope, right!
Fear can be very paralyzing, but we have to try our best to press on! God is ALWAYS with us, so we shouldn't be afraid.
Still digesting.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Favorites Much

We're taking a break from our regularly scheduled blogging for a much needed Much Tuesday!
I know we just started our TTG lessons, but I'm a stickler for schedules!! LOL
Don't worry, I'll get back to it tomorrow (or the next day or the day after that).

There are just some things that make me smile. That make me happy. That make me giggle. I call those my faves. There are a lot of them crammed in that little space I call a brain, but take a lookey here as I've listed some of my faves.... pure grin producers! :-)

gmail (I have like 30 accounts... lurrrves me some email)
facebook (definitely an fb addict! lol)
twitter (a recent addition, but definitely a fave) check me out @themrs517
blogger (I read way more than I post)
fancast (I watch way too much tv, this is just an enabler! lol)
biblegateway (great resource)
netflix (I have no need to be on here as much as I am.... but I can't help myself)
picnik (love pics and this lets you do cool things to them)

TV Shows (of all time.. not just current)
The Cosby Show... nuff said
A Different World (so disappointed that college really wasn't this dope)
How I Met Your Mother (huge Barney Stinson fan!!!)
The Biggest Loser
Real Housewives of Whereever (love them all.. OC probably my fave)
Top Chef
Grey's Anatomy
Amen (love Deacon Frye!!!)
Project Runway

Movies (I can recite every line to these wonders of cinema)
The Karate Kid (the first one is a CLASSIC!!!)
Love Jones
The Five Heartbeats
The Notebook
Beauty and the Beast (yeah, the cartoon)
The Goonies
Coming to America

Sleeping (a long forgotten pasttime)
Dessert (I've got a crazy sweet tooth)
Mommy & Daddy
Vacations (see note after sleeping *sigh*)

I'm sure I forgot some, but at least this list will get you started! hehehe

Monday, March 23, 2009

TTG #2: I Will Seek Wisdom

We're only on the second point and already I'm having overwhelming feelings of inadequacy!! LOL I kid, but I'm not joking..

So now our protagonist, David Ponder, has left Truman and has landed at the feet of King Solomon. They discussed keeping wise counsel and how it is beneficial to surround yourself with likeminded (progressive, even) people. He stressed the importance of 'guarding your associations' closely and to not tolerate mediocrity. The king instructed him ad nauseum to SEEK WISDOM.

Then, the king stated something that really struck a cord with me. To me, he was talking about working through adversity and finding the lesson in the struggle. Not an easy task, but a task we ALL must face (at some point). He said, "It is never the duty of a leader to struggle for someone else; a leader must encourage others to struggle and assure them that the struggles are worthwhile. Do battle with the challenges of your present, and you will unlock the prizes of your future."

Absorption is taking place.

"My past can never be changed, but I can change the future by changing my actions today."
"I will seek wisdom. I will listen to the counsel of wise men."
"I will become a humble servant. I will not look for someone to open my door - I will look to open the door for someone."

Personal fave...
"I will choose my friends with care."

The personal fave is short and to the point. How many of you can say you've never been burned by your 'friends' only to realize they were never friends from the start!! We are the company we keep. If I'm slumming it with lowly individuals - what does that make me??
Let's seek upward and onward - everyday is a new opportunity for growth!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

TTG #1: The Buck Stops Here

So, this section was a bit hard to swallow. The story leading up to the lesson depicted the main character (David) having a little tête-à-tête with President Truman right before the dropping of the A-bomb over Japan.

Basically, this section was teaching us to accept the choices we've made and come to terms with the outcome because nothing (at this point) can change. We can't move forward until we come to terms with the past. Stop letting the past dictate your future!!

This is especially hard for me for 2 HUGE reasons. First, I am uncommonly indecisive. Decisions are very hard for me to make. Why, you ask.... because of reason #2. I dwell on the past (any decision I make) like nobody's business!! It's not even funny. The good and the bad... both take center stage in my brain. I re-live so many moments in my past that I barely look at today - which leaves no room for looking towards tomorrow.

Looks like I've given myself some points to ponder.

Here are some quotes directly from the book. Please apply them to your own life as you see fit.

"The buck stops here. I accept responsibility for my past. I am responsible for my success."
"My thoughts will be constructive, never destructive."
"The buck stops here. I control my thoughts. I control my emtions."
"Adversity is preparation for greatness. I will accept this preparation."

and a personal fave...
"I understand that God did not put in me the ability to always make right decisions. He did, however, put in me the ability to make a decision and then make it right."

This first section really made me re-examine myself. I guess that's a good thing. Hopefully, the next section will have some instructions as to how to move past the past. "Just do it" really doesn't work for me.

We'll see..

Friday, March 20, 2009

The Travelers Gift: An Introduction

My dad recently introduced me to a book. He really thinks I'll get a lot out of it as there is some deeper meaning I'm supposed to seek & find. Anyone who's anyone knows that I do NOT read... for pleasure anyway. I know, how awful of me. I'm sure I'm now seen as some sub-human creature for my world-without-words way of living.

Don't get me wrong... I read all the time. I read blogs just about daily. I read various pieces of literature for work. I read tons of articles and reports which will hopefully lead to one of my next business ventures. I read many an animated tale for those under the age of 3. I read my bible for some spiritual stimulation (probably not as often as I should). So, I gets my read on.


I can't say you'll ever really see me reading a book just for the heck of it. Sorry, not my idea of fun.

So, this book Daddy has me reading. It's called The Traveler's Gift (TTG). It's a pretty easy read so far. But because of my (self-diagnosed) scatter-brain, I have to jot down some notes to make sure I'm really paying attention to what I'm reading.

Indulge me.

Allow my next few posts to serve as an online recap of what I've recently read.

Uhhh, starting tomorrow.
I'm bored to tears already.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Shamrock Much

On this St. Patrick's Day I don't have much to write.
I could write about my 3 injuries sustained over the weekend.
I could write about my chronic fatigue that gets the best of me each and every day.
I could write about my lack of $$$.
I could write about my desire to go away to some exotic location, but can't because of the lack of $$$.

Instead, I will just wish each and every one of you a Happy St. Patrick's Day. Have a pint of Guiness for me (since I don't drink the stuff).
Oh yeah, and to wish you all good luck!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Warranty Schmarranty

Soooo, the verdict is in - and it's not in our favor.
Even though we purchased the supplemental SCREEN INSURANCE for the computer - the lovely insurance representative informed me that that is NOT covered!!! Ummmm, ex-squeeeeeze me??? Come again... Say what??? Please repeat - does not compute!!

Apparently the screen insurance is not for damage but for simple wear and tear. I think a cracked screen qualifies as wear and tear... UGGGHHHHH!!! Soooo not the news we were hoping for! I think I'm gonna fight it though b/c why have insurance if it's not good for anything???
Inquiring minds!

That's it over here. I had a VERY VERY VERY LONG weekend so I'm very very very tired on this Monday. I went salsa dancing with Tiffany on Saturday - SO MUCH FUN!!! This club offers free classes so we went down to check it out. HILARIOUS!! Besides the fact that I can't keep a beat and the moves are completely foreign to me.. I think I did a pretty good job.
I would post pics, but since the insurance company hasn't returned my computer yet I can't.

I'm off. I'm having a ladies gathering in a few weeks and I need to create my evite.

p.s. happy belated bday mommy!!! hope you had a great time yesterday with your second favorite child.. sorry I couldn't be there

*mumbling stinkin no-good warranties* (yes, I'm still upset)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Laptop Much

So, we are without a computer for at least a week.
A few months ago we came downstairs to a cracked screen. Paranoia can strike at any given time, but I never thought it was due to a break-in (since it happened overnight). We have come to the conclusion that the cat somehow did it.... as he has been known to sleep on the keyboard. weird, i know!

Since it's still under warranty.. We sent it back. I'm not usually on the computer in the evenings for very long, so not having the computer is no big deal to me. Ty, on the other hand, might need an IV when this is all said and done. Since he's home during the day, he gets his baby breaks through the computer - whether it be the internet or working on some project (he always has a project (or 2 or 3) in progress). Plus, he's back in school - so I know he's going through it this week!!

Hopefully, we'll hear back from them in the coming days as to whether or not they can fix it. If they can't - I was told we'd get a voucher for a new one. We'll see what they come up with!

In the meantime, no pictures on any posts til we get our computer back - unless they come from the web.

I'll update with the verdict once we hear back.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Spring Fever

Last weekend while in Charlotte, we experienced some uncharacteristic FRIGID weather!!!

This past weekend, much to my delight, we experienced some warm sunny glimpse-of-spring weather!!

The winter just isn't my season... there's no denying it. Old man winter is no friend of mine!!
So, this post is just to let you know that I CANNOT wait for spring.... and ultimately summer!!
As spring approaches, I anticipate park visits with the boys, walks throughout the city, going to fun places like the zoo and the aquarium.... and much more fun that the winter prohibits!!!
PLUS, the days are longer!!! I no longer wake up in the dark and leave work (while it's still afternoon) in the dark!! PEACE OUT dark ages!!! :-)

Can you tell I'm really happy about the season change??!?!?!

In preparation, I'm gonna start my spring cleaning. I wonder why they call it that - especially since most people clean year-round. Anyway, I'm gonna do some re-organizing and deep-cleaning in the coming weeks. Wish me luck! I'm gonna start upstairs and end in the basement - I also anticipate a lot of trips to the Goodwill as I uncover what the winter has hidden.

Also, since we have to move at some point in the next 12-15 months (if not sooner).. we need to get our house in order for sale. If you know anyone who might want to purchase a cute 3br brick house just outside of Philly - send me an email! (plllleeeaaassse! lol)

Friday, March 6, 2009

What happened next...

Mothers are like superheroes.

They (we) are able to do more in 2 minutes than most are able to do in an entire day. All women, mothers or not, have this gift, but it is just magnified by like 1,000 when you have little ones grappling at your ankles.

This brings me to a most recent happening at Chez BlueWorld.

The boys were playing - quite typical.
Things started to get hairy and I KNEW tears would soon follow - again, quite typical.
*insert loud noise* a thump or a bump or a crash will do. - yep, you guessed it... FAR TOO TYPICAL.

Tears, yelps, ear piercing screams and gut wrenching hollers soon follow. Oy.

Aaron makes his way to me first.
"What's wrong Aaron," says SuperPink.
"Hurt head," says a sobbing baby.
"Sweet baby, what can I do?" says SuperPink.
"Mommmmmmy, kissssss itttttt!" Aaron yells in between the sobbing.

SuperPink proceeds to kiss the baby's head until there are no more tears. Since I'm a superhero, this takes no more than 3 seconds (boy, am I good).

Next up - Jordan.
"Jordan are you okay?" says a PROUD SuperPink!
"I hurt my boo boo!!" Jordan says with such sincerity.... i almost can't laugh.

Can you guess what he asked for next???

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Not Long Enough

Dadu & his girls (me & lil sha sha)

We just recently returned from a long weekend away in North Carolina. We were visiting family and friends and we had a GREAT time!!! We arrived on Thursday and left on Tuesday.... that's a good amount of time to still consider it a long weekend. Even still, our time away was not long enough. I didn't want to leave. I didn't want to stay past our welcome (and with 2 toddlers that can come fast) - but I just wasn't ready to leave. Have I mentioned that we had a GREAT time??? Like, really!

Anyway, here are a few highlights from our most glorious trip. To you, they may not be oh so special, but they definitely serve as reminders of a fabulous trip that was far too short.

I think what makes it tough is that I have no idea when we'll be able to get back down there. In the past 2 years, we've been at least 4 times. We just love it! Ha!

Okay, okay... I know you just want to see my gorgeous family...

State Troopers (in Delaware I think) who we had to follow for like 20 minutes going like 10 mph... no joke, no exageration!!

we stopped at Hardees somewhere in VA for lunch. anytime is a good time for a photo op! :)

here I am a few minutes after we left Hardees....super carsick! coincidence, maybe?

Finally we arrive.....
We say our hellos, get settled... then the girls head out for a night on the town!

here I am trying soooo hard to pose... maybe little too hard! haha

going out on Friday night... such a fun time

me & Owwie eeeeaaarrrrlly the next morning

the obligatory bathtub pic

Me and Ash... Strike a Pose! lol

MomB, Dadu & the grandboys

Ty & Ash - they are so photogenic! :)

Me & Shana.. I'm so glad she was able to come

All the Ladies @ The Gathering

me & ty trying to hang with the youngins

the Ladies! too pretty I tell ya!

me, shana & aunt raye (hostess with the mostess)

the grandboys with the grandparents at Dadu's bday dinner (i won't dare tell his age.. besides you'd never believe me - doesn't he look YOUNG!! :-D)

My ABSOLUTE FAVE pic of the trip!!! They are just TOOOOO cute!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Backlog Much

Weeeeeee'reeeee baaaaccckkkkk!
What a GREAT trip!!! I had such a great time even if we did bring weather from above the mason dixon with us down south. And so what if it's gonna be in the 70's this weekend... who cares!! We had a GREAT GREAT GREAT time!!! I'm exicted to go back (even though I have no idea when that will be).

So, this post was supposed to have been written yesterday (Much Tuesdays), but I was too tired after a full day of travelling.

I'll try to recap our trip over the next few days. But let me tell you - the boys were ANGELS!!! I cannot believe how well behaved they were. Yes, they had their moments (they are toddlers after all), but they were SUCH GOOD BOYS!!!!

Ty drove the entire trip!!!!! (both ways) what a guy, right!!!
He was TRULY a gem.... very patient the entire time!! I have mentioned I'm not the easiest to travel with, right.... Well, God bless him! :-)

So, I'm gonna finish up reading my backlog of blogs (it's been a week since I've read anything)... then I'll try to post again!!

Oh yeah, and even though it was FREEEEEZING and it even snowed (smh) - I didn't even get a twinge of a cold!!! YYYAAAAAAYYYYY immune system!! LOL