Let the time travel begin! David is now chatting with Joshua Chamberlain who is a Colonel in the Union Army during the Civil War.
This section lost me a bit. I mean, I know time travel isn't possible and I should just look beyond that. I also know that no one in these scenes can see David except for the one giving him the 'useful' information. BUT, I draw the line when I'm expected to believe that these two engaged in MEANINGFUL dialogue in the midst of a war! in.the.midst.of.a.war.
Ok, let's move on.
They are surrounded by death, they are running out of ammunition and the enemy is coming! Perfect time to discuss the nothingness that is David's life.
(please note blatant sarcasm)Anyway..
Even with the INcredible scenario we've been presented.... we definitely do come away with some food for thought. Still digesting.
Col. Chamberlain has been put in charge of the front line soldiers and, of course, must make some tough decisions in practically no time at all. When faced with a decision, make one! The Confederates were within eyesight, the soldier count was dismal and they were running out of ammunition! Can Col. Chamberlain save the day??? Why, of course! Thanks to TAKING ACTION! He thought on his feet and directed the soldiers to CHARGE! CHARGE! And with that, the Confederates retreated and surrendered. Wow. Just wow.
"My future is immediate. I will grasp it in both hands and carry it with running feet."
"When I am faced with the choice of doing nothing or doing something, I will always choose to act."
"Leading is doing."
"My activity will create a wave of success for the people who follow."
"As a leader, I have the ability to encourage and inspire others to greatness."
"I am daring. I am courageous."
"Failure exists only for the person who quits. I do not quit." - this one was major b/c I am such a quitter!!
personal fave...
"When faced with a decision, many people say they are waiting for God. But I understand, in most cases, God is waiting for me! He has given me a healthy mind to gather and sort information and the courage to come to a conclusion. I am not a quivering dog, indecisive and fearful. My constitution is strong and my pathway clear."
dope, right!
Fear can be very paralyzing, but we have to try our best to press on! God is ALWAYS with us, so we shouldn't be afraid.
Still digesting.