Dadu & his girls (me & lil sha sha)
We just recently returned from a long weekend away in North Carolina. We were visiting family and friends and we had a GREAT time!!! We arrived on Thursday and left on Tuesday.... that's a good amount of time to still consider it a long weekend. Even still, our time away was not long enough. I didn't want to leave. I didn't want to stay past our welcome (and with 2 toddlers that can come fast) - but I just wasn't ready to leave. Have I mentioned that we had a GREAT time??? Like, really!
Anyway, here are a few highlights from our most glorious trip. To you, they may not be oh so special, but they definitely serve as reminders of a fabulous trip that was far too short.
I think what makes it tough is that I have no idea when we'll be able to get back down there. In the past 2 years, we've been at least 4 times. We just love it! Ha!
Okay, okay... I know you just want to see my gorgeous family...

State Troopers (in Delaware I think) who we had to follow for like 20 minutes going like 10 mph... no joke, no exageration!!
we stopped at Hardees somewhere in VA for lunch. anytime is a good time for a photo op! :)

here I am a few minutes after we left Hardees....super carsick! coincidence, maybe?
Finally we arrive.....
We say our hellos, get settled... then the girls head out for a night on the town!

here I am trying soooo hard to pose... maybe little too hard! haha

going out on Friday night... such a fun time

me & Owwie eeeeaaarrrrlly the next morning

the obligatory bathtub pic

Me and Ash... Strike a Pose! lol

MomB, Dadu & the grandboys

Ty & Ash - they are so photogenic! :)

Me & Shana.. I'm so glad she was able to come

All the Ladies @ The Gathering

me & ty trying to hang with the youngins

the Ladies! too pretty I tell ya!

me, shana & aunt raye (hostess with the mostess)

the grandboys with the grandparents at Dadu's bday dinner (i won't dare tell his age.. besides you'd never believe me - doesn't he look YOUNG!! :-D)

My ABSOLUTE FAVE pic of the trip!!! They are just TOOOOO cute!!
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