Soooo, it's about time I catch everyone up with what's been going on with the PinkLady! I had a great Q4 2008 and it's about time to document it. Tonight I'll write about my birthday through Thanksgiving and tomorrow (hopefully) I'll cover the Christmas festivities. At that point, we should be all caught up and ready for 2009!!
I'm soooooo ready for 2009 by the way. 2008 was cool, but 2009 is gonna be the year of PINK!! LOL
Ok, this is gonna be fast...Olympic 100 meter dash fast!! Usain Bolt fast!!
On your mark...
Get set..
My birthday was fun. The boys went to the Baltimore Aquarium for the day on a church trip, so Ty and I had a fun and relaxing day to ourselves. We haven't had that in a LONG time. We had lunch in Center City, Ty got some specialty tea, I got some gelato (YUM!!!), we had birthday cake and we went to a movie. We had to pack it all into one day because who knows when we'll get that opporunity again. The next day we went to church and we all went to Applebee's for dinner.
Check us out...

Mi mi mi mi mi miiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!! Of course the waiters sang to me.

Ok, on to October! We went to the orchards to pick pumpkins and go for a hayride. SOOOOOOO MUCH FUN!!! I was surprised how much Aaron enjoyed himself. Like, he REALLY liked it.

Jordie got to ride a pony and just like last time he refused to let me or Ty walk around with him - such a big boy. Check him out...

Ahhhh yes, the carnival! I surprised Jordie with a little trip to the carnival after the orchard. We went at nighttime because I knew he'd eventually get tired and we wouldn't have to stay too long (I couldn't have been more wrong btw). It was just me and him...we haven't had that alone time since the nursing days... it was nice. He had such a good time!!!! I HEART JORDIE!! We had such a good time that I took him back the next day after church (also so I could get a funnel cake - have I mentioned my sweet tooth??? lol). If it doesn't appear that he is enjoying's just because he's focused!!! LOL He has such a beautiful smile, but just recently has it started to come around more. He's so serious!! lol
Every so often he'll ask to go to the carnival again. When it returns in March, we'll be back out there. I'll have to see if Owwie is up for it. We'll see. In the meantime.. helicopters and boats and cars, OH MY! check my boy out...

The day that changed my life... October 23, 1998
On October 23, 1998, at a little before 3pm (it was a Friday) in my apartment at W806, Ty and I shared our first kiss!! MUUUAAAHHHHHH!!! It was a really nice kiss. We celebrate it every year with a kiss. I know, how corny are we!!! LOL I just can't believe it's been 10 years already. That's a looonnnnngggggg time! I feel old.
Check us out...

For some reason Jordie and I had quite a few late nights together. Not sure how his sleeping pattern got so off, but I know on more than one occasion he was begging me to put the camera down!! LMBO Check him out...

Dinner and a movie fell on Halloween in October. Jordan was a cowboy and Aaron was a pirate. Jordan truly perfected his "Giddy-up horsey" and Aaron perfected his "Arrrrrggggghhhhhhh" well before the costumes arrived. They were the cutest little cowboy and pirate I have ever seen!! haha The movie we watched was The Great Pumpkin. Jordan actually watched it and Aaron just danced every time music came on. All in all a great day.. and we got to spend it at GG's house. Check us out...

One of the highlights of the fall was becoming godmother to another beautiful babydoll. She is a DOLL!!!! Babydoll Caedee is the daughter of Jordie's godparents. I won't go into the tragedy that was her dedication (still pi$$$$$$$$$ed about that day), but we all had so much fun the day they asked us to be godparents. Check us all out... the whole gang (minus Ty - I think he played photog that night)... Me, the boys, Babydoll Caedee, Uncle Nick and Auntie E Dot...

How sweet are those babydolls????!!!!!?!?!?!?
O.M.G. I almost forgot!!! I think I mentioned it once before but we finally got a new car!!! WOOO HOOOOOO!!!! Timmy served us well for over 6 years, but the day came for us to let him go and upgrade!!! Timmy had no heat, his 'skin' was peeling, the front passenger side window wouldn't open (unless it was raining and then it wouldn't close.. uggghhhh), the engine light stayed on (computer glitch they say), the door to where you put the gas in was jammed and you need a screwdriver to open it, and oh yeah BOTH kelyess entry things were completely broken. That's just the stuff I can remember 2 months later. Not to sound ungrateful though because Timmy was a GREAT gift, but it was definitely time to move on. Well, HELLLOOOOOO Penny!!! Penny is a charcoal gray 2008 Chrysler Aspen. She's a big girl and a bit of a guzzler, but so far so good!! No complaints! And a bonus - free satellite radio until April! HOLLLLLAAAAA! haha
As evidenced by that way too long paragraph, I am quite pleased with our new purchase.
On to Thanksgiving...
I love the holiday season..and Thanksgiving is the start of it all. My mom hosted Thanksgiving so that was cool. Everyone behaved and a good time was had by all. Aaron got soooo sick though and we were 'stuck' nursing him the whole weekend. We had a really great time though. Aaron loves to take pictures (sick or not) and is always ready to say CHEESE if he sees me with my camera. HOWEVER, my dear Owwie performed something terrible when we all got together to take family pictures at an actual studio. It really is a shame how badly he acted. I wish I had some footage of his behavior - you'd never believe such a sweet baby could act so bllleecchhhhhhh (for lack of a better word). Anyway, we also had November's dinner and a movie at MomB and Dadu's. I snapped a few shots of us, then I fell asleep - while the movie was on!! Aaron missed the movie all together, bless his heart, but Jordan watched the whole thing and wanted to watch another movie afterwards!!! LOL What did we watch??? I believe it was called The Barnyard. I didn't really care for it (what I saw of it), but everyone else liked it.
Thanksgiving, dinner and a movie - check us out...

The whole family before everyone left

A few shots after dinner

Before I dozed off

MomB, Dadu, & Jordie quite focused on that movie
Movie over, peace out, good night!
Love this pic!! Good Morning!
Whew!!! I haven't read over this post, so I hope it makes sense and isn't full of grammatical errors. It's late and I'm too tired and lazy to go back over this. Perhaps I'll read it over tomorrow..... perhaps not.
Good night!