Thursday, January 29, 2009

Tea and Toast

I am entering day 5 of my second illness of the year. I can't believe I'm so sick... so soon.. AGAIN!

The weather has been pretty cold here, but not to the point where I should be this ill all over again.

I am so frustrated because I have a BIG weekend ahead of me and I can't afford to be fighting a cold. Without proper rest, I'll never get better... lol

I just hope after tonight my diet will consist of something more than tea and toast.

Question: why is tea and toast the best "sick" food ever!!! I grew up on tea and toast when sick and I still rely on it when under the weather. I know I know...perhaps if I incorporated more vitamins and minerals, fruits and veggies I'd probably be feeling better by now.

I'll report back after this weekend with a much better report!!! (one can hope)

Til then, I have no funny anecdotes to tell, nothing memorable to recount...not much of anything.
oh yeah, except a picture of Jordie in his pj's and snow boots!! How cute are those little legs ?!??!

and if you're wondering, YES that is a Backyardigans plate I'm sporting in the picture up top!! haha Why should the boys have all the fun???

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Off to the Races

What a great weekend we had! I can't believe it's over already.

Friday was this month's dinner and a movie. It didn't go off as seamless as I would've liked, but we made it through. This is our 5th month trying to do this, yet we continue to run into at least one obstacle on our special family nights. I won't go into detail about this month's issue...but YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE (Ty)!! LOL

Since it's so cold outside, we watched a movie set on a beach and where there were lots of Cool Surfer Penguins (as Jordie now calls them). The thinking was a nice sunny movie would somehow warm us up. NOT! Surf's Up was a pretty cool movie though. The boys seemed to like it....Jordan did anyway. Aaron can't seem to really focus beyond the opening credits, but we're working on him.

Start every meal with a prayer..

The boys had turkey dogs for dinner and I actually gave them a real treat for dessert. I was a little skeptical about giving them sugar so close to bedtime, but it was a special occasion so I let loose for once! haha They had Dibs.... 3 each (how's that for letting loose! haha). You know those new millenium slightly smaller than Bon Bons ice cream snacks... yeah those. They LOVED them!!

Dinner and a Movie got off to a rough start, but the night definitely ended on a high! There were no strong reactions to sugar, I was able to make a beef stew (delish, btw) while still spending time with the fam, and the boys were both in bed by 9:30 (with very little resistence)! WOO HOO! I'd call that a successful night.

Saturday is a blur. The day started with a sorority meeting about 800 miles west of South Southwest Bubmledoo....yeah, it was THAT far away! I was co-hostess, so I was supposed to be there 30 minutes early to set up. Uhhh, yeah, I got there 10 minutes late! LOL Soooo not funny, but the GPS truly led me astray and set me back like 40 minutes. I left my house at 8:45 and got there at 10:10. BUT, it only took me 45 minutes to get home - go figure! Okay, enough venting. I'll just plan better the next time.

The rest of the day was spent in the house - that is until Jordie called GG with the weepiest, saddest voice I've ever heard.
Break out the violins!

We ended up going to see the Lovetts so Jordie could visit with his GG. We get there and lo and behold, Tif is hosting a par-tay!!! Ummm, where was MY invitation!! haha Not that I'm taking it personally or anything, but shortly after we arrived, everyone else left......

Did I mention Jordan was asleep for at least the first hour we were there for his all important GG fix. Uhhh, yeah..homeboy was rocked! He finally did wake up...and surprisingly enough, in a good mood. He wakes up almost as cranky as me...

The boys and I spent ALL of today together...just the 3 of us. I miss those times. We had breakfast, lunch, programs, naps, snacks, games, etc together. Well, the boys had those. I had cooking, dishes, more cooking, cleaning up, drying of tears, diaper changing, Pop City threats, breaking up of fights, etc.

Ahhhh, SUCH a good day!!! :-D
My only disappointment is that I ran a little short of spaghetti sauce for my lasagna. I don't know how that happened, but at least it still tastes good (even if it is a little dry in spots). Speaking of food, I gave Jordan another ice cream treat today and he ate it like he never had it before (let alone 48 hours ago). And guess what......he didn't like it!! LOL He spit it out and everything. That boy is too much. He did decide to like it again after he saw Aaron salivating over the treat intended for him! Typical..

What else did we do? We watched 3 episodes of Backyardigans for Jordan and 1 episode each of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Handy Manny for Aaron. I forgot what cartoon overload feels like. Next time, we won't try to cram all the fun into one day....gotta spread the love out!

We played baseball (yes, in the house), we jumped, we colored, we did puzzles, we jumped some more, we played ring around the rosies and we ended the day with races. The boys LOVE to race. Jordan loves to run with Aaron and doesn't seem to mind at all that Aaron cheats. Aaron refuses to start at the official start line...he always gives himself a head start. I wonder where he gets that from (his initials should give you a clue.. lol). their 'Ready' position

the cheater in action (check out that headstart.. lol)

Ahhhh, such a great weekend!!!!
Right now, Aaron is in bed and Jordan is on the potty. I can tell because he's yelling complete randomness while sweeping something across the shower curtain (a very distinguishable sound)... probably the toilet brush. Dad is on duty now so I'm not moving. He's got it covered. Besides, I've had more than enough fun this weekend.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


There are times in life when a little reflection is needed.
There are times in life when you just have to take a step back.

God is speaking to me yet my life is filled with so much else that I can't hear Him.
I need to hear Him.

When you can't claim the joy that God has predestined for your life as one of His chosen...... Take some time to pray. Take some time to get in the Word. Take. Some Time. (I'm speaking to me here)

I work, I take care of my family, I am active in church, I am active in my sorority, I have friends, I have interests, and I could go on and on. Minutes turn to hours, hours to days, days to weeks, but they all seem to run together because I am always doing something. Even when I am doing nothing, my mind is still in overdrive thinking of what needs to be done, what hasn't gotten done, and how I'll get things done better the next time.

Where have I made time for ME?
Better question: Where have I made time for HIM?

We only get one life and we have to make the most of everyday.
I need to do better.
I told myself 2009 was going to prove to be major when it comes to my spiritual walk. Three things I have committed to for this year are attending Sunday School, attending Bible Study, and tithing regularly.
I have tithed, but I wouldn't consider myself a tither - this needs to change. All God is asking for is a tenth.... can we please do better in '09
I was a regular Bible Study goer prior to the babies, a little less regular after Jordie was born and completely irregular after Aaron was born. Some would say babies are a valid excuse and I guess to some degree they are (or, rather WERE), but no more.... can we please do better in '09
Sunday School is a completely new venture. I was teaching a beginners' French class last year which got me to Sunday School regularly, but since those have been discontinued until further notice...I have been at home early Sunday mornings. Other than my teaching days (both before and after), I didn't go to Sunday School.... can we please do better in '09

What is God trying to tell me? Only He and I can figure this out.
I have the faith that we'll get there - or should I say.. He'll get me there, but I have to put in my time to make it happen. The Word tells us, faith without works is dead (James 2:26).

God hasn't told me to move. Why am I in constant motion?
God hasn't told me to speak. Why am I running my mouth?
God told me to keep my eyes on Him - I'm trying. I'm trying, really I am.

The three lights of my life are upstairs in their beds off in dreamland.
I am now off to join them - in the most wonderful dreamland there is.. where lights are out, tv's are off, books are closed, and it's just me. Still.

Be still, and know that I am God (Psalm 46:10)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Today is one for the history books.
Today the nation gathered in unity and love for a cause much greater than politics.
Today the world gathered in unity and love on this.. the dawn of a new era.
Today, the day after Martin Luther King Day, service like no other has begun.
Today tears of joy are overflowing.
Today my boys can see with their own eyes that all things are possible.
Today we can believe that humility is indeed greater than pride.
Today a man of integrity has given this country a renewed hope.
Today my prayers are with the Obama and Biden families.
Today is significant.
Today is power.
Today is love.
Today is peace.
Today is victory.

44 ...change we can believe in

Friday, January 16, 2009

The Berry: A Pictorial Essay





(well, the cranberries :-P)

(my homey, Huck Finn)

(I add a touch of pink every chance I get)

GERRIE BERRY (his full name)

Poor baby.... at least it's healing!
I guess I was right...

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Impulse Control

Babies don't have it.

Poor dinosaur never stood a chance

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Hoop Dreams

Jordie made the team!!
Jordie made the team!!

Well, there is no actual team, but Jordan was granted access to participate in the class strictly designated for 3 - 6 year olds. The whole process required a computer override and everything!

Jordan started the class on a probationary period to see if he could keep up with the other kids. Of course my babydoll was the star of the show!!! And by star I mean he blended in quite nicely! HA!
So, for the next 7 weeks Jordie will be honing his basketball skills... at which time he'll (I'm sure) just re-enter the class for an additional 7 weeks.

One of the local Baptist associations (Eastern Keystone something or other... sorry the name escapes me) hosted a "Joy Night" at the Sixers game on Friday. Quite a few of us from Prince of Peace attended and had a FABOO time! I'm really happy we went. It was a nice time to fellowship with others, get the boys out, do something different blah blah blah. After the game, a few choirs put on a "concert." Very nice, but also very late. Owwie was having a fit!!! he didn't much care for the concert.... or the 4th quarter!!

Me, Tif & Jace enjoying the game....
trying to avoid a nosebleed!!! LOL

PRE meltdown!!! They had such a good time!

This has nothing to do with basketball, but the Eagles beat the Giants today. This is supposedly a really big deal b/c of rivalries and playoffs... *insert blank face*
I could NOT care less...

Thursday, January 8, 2009

The 12th Month

EvenfasterthanmyUsainBolt3monthrecap will be my Dec08 recap.
We got a tree... not the tree I wanted, but a nice tree nonetheless.
Blue reigned supreme in the decision making process.

I decorated it.... alone *insert sad face*
Each year we (I) pick 2 colors for the tree. In 2005, it was red and gold. In 2006, it was green and gold. In 2007, it was red and green (how original). And this year, we chose silver and gold. The tree was beautful and elegant... if I do say so myself.
Check out a few pics...

Every year, the church puts on its annual Sunday School Christmas program. All the children participate. Well, guess who made his debut this year???? Whyyyyy, Jordie of course!!! His poem reads:
Twinkle twinkle little star
Shine on manger bed
Where the baby Jesus child
Rests His kingly head

All in all, not very difficult - but quite a feat for a 2 year old!!! We are soooo proud of him!
Check him out..

Christmas definitely lived up to all the hype this year!! I was so excited for Christmas this year (well, at this point last year) and it met and surpassed every expectation. The boys left me overjoyed and wanting more! I didn't have nary a gift under the tree, and it didn't make one bit of difference. To see their little smiles and them jumping around with such glee... a mother could not ask for more!!!!
We hosted breakfast at our house - and it was just so nice to have everyone over (from both sides) and to have everyone get along and fellowship in love. After breakfast we went to my aunt Kim's house for dinner. Comme d'habitude, we were late!! Everyone had already eaten by the time we got there. You know you're late when Herm beats you to the house!!!! LOL We played Taboo and only had a few intense moments....pretty good for my family. It was a VERY long day and I never wanted it to end!!! This was truly the best Christmas in a VERY VERY VERY long time!! Thank God for Jesus!

Check out my beautiful family.

bright and early Christmas morning

I know 2 little boys who made out like bandits!!!!! (in their oh so cute snowman pajamas)

The Snyders, the Lovetts, The Chavises and the Weekses - I'm Lovin' It!

Right after Christmas I got sick.... like a really bad cold.

Don't I just ooooooze sick!!
The boys take good care of me though

I am actually still suffering from a bit of a cough and we are a good 2 weeks past Christmas. Anyway, all that to say is I missed pretty much the whole week of New Year's. Can't say I really documented all that much and I sadly missed Watch Night Service on New Year's Eve. I'm just glad the boys didn't get sick... other than a little runny nose.
New Year's Day we had a little get together....and I cooked!! ummmmm, kinda
The family came over and my parents came back down - a great day sniffles and all.

The best part of the day had to be getting my parents and MIL to play the Wii. They bowled, played tennis, WATCHED boxing and just loved it!!! They could finally understand why I said I was addicted. (Mommy even called me the next day saying she was dragging Daddy out to buy one! lol)
Mooooooorrrreeeeee family!!
Really just Dadu and his 'grandboys' and a little GG in action (playing Wii) post - 2009!!! WOOO HOOOOOO!! We're going to a Sixers game tomorrow (all of us), so we'll see how that turns out.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Lonnnnngggggg, but fast!

Soooo, it's about time I catch everyone up with what's been going on with the PinkLady! I had a great Q4 2008 and it's about time to document it. Tonight I'll write about my birthday through Thanksgiving and tomorrow (hopefully) I'll cover the Christmas festivities. At that point, we should be all caught up and ready for 2009!!
I'm soooooo ready for 2009 by the way. 2008 was cool, but 2009 is gonna be the year of PINK!! LOL

Ok, this is gonna be fast...Olympic 100 meter dash fast!! Usain Bolt fast!!
On your mark...
Get set..


My birthday was fun. The boys went to the Baltimore Aquarium for the day on a church trip, so Ty and I had a fun and relaxing day to ourselves. We haven't had that in a LONG time. We had lunch in Center City, Ty got some specialty tea, I got some gelato (YUM!!!), we had birthday cake and we went to a movie. We had to pack it all into one day because who knows when we'll get that opporunity again. The next day we went to church and we all went to Applebee's for dinner.
Check us out...

Mi mi mi mi mi miiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!! Of course the waiters sang to me.

Ok, on to October! We went to the orchards to pick pumpkins and go for a hayride. SOOOOOOO MUCH FUN!!! I was surprised how much Aaron enjoyed himself. Like, he REALLY liked it.

Jordie got to ride a pony and just like last time he refused to let me or Ty walk around with him - such a big boy. Check him out...

Ahhhh yes, the carnival! I surprised Jordie with a little trip to the carnival after the orchard. We went at nighttime because I knew he'd eventually get tired and we wouldn't have to stay too long (I couldn't have been more wrong btw). It was just me and him...we haven't had that alone time since the nursing days... it was nice. He had such a good time!!!! I HEART JORDIE!! We had such a good time that I took him back the next day after church (also so I could get a funnel cake - have I mentioned my sweet tooth??? lol). If it doesn't appear that he is enjoying's just because he's focused!!! LOL He has such a beautiful smile, but just recently has it started to come around more. He's so serious!! lol
Every so often he'll ask to go to the carnival again. When it returns in March, we'll be back out there. I'll have to see if Owwie is up for it. We'll see. In the meantime.. helicopters and boats and cars, OH MY! check my boy out...

The day that changed my life... October 23, 1998
On October 23, 1998, at a little before 3pm (it was a Friday) in my apartment at W806, Ty and I shared our first kiss!! MUUUAAAHHHHHH!!! It was a really nice kiss. We celebrate it every year with a kiss. I know, how corny are we!!! LOL I just can't believe it's been 10 years already. That's a looonnnnngggggg time! I feel old.
Check us out...

For some reason Jordie and I had quite a few late nights together. Not sure how his sleeping pattern got so off, but I know on more than one occasion he was begging me to put the camera down!! LMBO Check him out...

Dinner and a movie fell on Halloween in October. Jordan was a cowboy and Aaron was a pirate. Jordan truly perfected his "Giddy-up horsey" and Aaron perfected his "Arrrrrggggghhhhhhh" well before the costumes arrived. They were the cutest little cowboy and pirate I have ever seen!! haha The movie we watched was The Great Pumpkin. Jordan actually watched it and Aaron just danced every time music came on. All in all a great day.. and we got to spend it at GG's house. Check us out...

One of the highlights of the fall was becoming godmother to another beautiful babydoll. She is a DOLL!!!! Babydoll Caedee is the daughter of Jordie's godparents. I won't go into the tragedy that was her dedication (still pi$$$$$$$$$ed about that day), but we all had so much fun the day they asked us to be godparents. Check us all out... the whole gang (minus Ty - I think he played photog that night)... Me, the boys, Babydoll Caedee, Uncle Nick and Auntie E Dot...

How sweet are those babydolls????!!!!!?!?!?!?

O.M.G. I almost forgot!!! I think I mentioned it once before but we finally got a new car!!! WOOO HOOOOOO!!!! Timmy served us well for over 6 years, but the day came for us to let him go and upgrade!!! Timmy had no heat, his 'skin' was peeling, the front passenger side window wouldn't open (unless it was raining and then it wouldn't close.. uggghhhh), the engine light stayed on (computer glitch they say), the door to where you put the gas in was jammed and you need a screwdriver to open it, and oh yeah BOTH kelyess entry things were completely broken. That's just the stuff I can remember 2 months later. Not to sound ungrateful though because Timmy was a GREAT gift, but it was definitely time to move on. Well, HELLLOOOOOO Penny!!! Penny is a charcoal gray 2008 Chrysler Aspen. She's a big girl and a bit of a guzzler, but so far so good!! No complaints! And a bonus - free satellite radio until April! HOLLLLLAAAAA! haha
As evidenced by that way too long paragraph, I am quite pleased with our new purchase.

On to Thanksgiving...
I love the holiday season..and Thanksgiving is the start of it all. My mom hosted Thanksgiving so that was cool. Everyone behaved and a good time was had by all. Aaron got soooo sick though and we were 'stuck' nursing him the whole weekend. We had a really great time though. Aaron loves to take pictures (sick or not) and is always ready to say CHEESE if he sees me with my camera. HOWEVER, my dear Owwie performed something terrible when we all got together to take family pictures at an actual studio. It really is a shame how badly he acted. I wish I had some footage of his behavior - you'd never believe such a sweet baby could act so bllleecchhhhhhh (for lack of a better word). Anyway, we also had November's dinner and a movie at MomB and Dadu's. I snapped a few shots of us, then I fell asleep - while the movie was on!! Aaron missed the movie all together, bless his heart, but Jordan watched the whole thing and wanted to watch another movie afterwards!!! LOL What did we watch??? I believe it was called The Barnyard. I didn't really care for it (what I saw of it), but everyone else liked it.
Thanksgiving, dinner and a movie - check us out...

The whole family before everyone left

A few shots after dinner

Before I dozed off

MomB, Dadu, & Jordie quite focused on that movie

Movie over, peace out, good night!

Love this pic!! Good Morning!

Whew!!! I haven't read over this post, so I hope it makes sense and isn't full of grammatical errors. It's late and I'm too tired and lazy to go back over this. Perhaps I'll read it over tomorrow..... perhaps not.

Good night!