It's Monday and I am still recovering from all the fun I had this weekend!! I think I'll only be able to cover Friday with this entry. I am still nursing a bit of a cold, but that's a whole different can of worms I don't dare open..
Last week was restaurant week in Philly, so Tif invited us out to a restaurant we all wanted to try. Tif, Will, Bernadette, Damon, Ty and I trekked out on Friday night headed for
Chima. Ty had been there before, but he still seemed pretty excited to go back. I've been to a Brazilian steakhouse before so I understood the concept, but I was very excited to try this place out.

Our reservations were for 9pm (restaurant week, remember.. we all had the same idea). We arrive at 9 and are told to expect a 20 minute wait!! Ummm, okay. We wait. We wait some more. We grow aggravated. And we continue to wait. I think we finally got seated around 9:40!! *gas face*
Sidebar: If reservations aren't going to be honored (we weren't the only party with reservations who were given the "your table is ready" vibrators), then the establishment should do away with accepting reservations!!
We sit down, exchange pleasantries, then head off to the salad bar. To me it was more weird concoctions, less salad bar. Blue cheese mousse anyone?? Blech, I'll pass. I wanted to grab my camera to take a pic of it, but Tiffany who thought better of that idea, was able to talk me down! haha I did get some good shots of our food though.... and there was TONS of it!!

We ate and ate and ate some more! As long as our buttons were orange side up, those Gauchos were coming our way with more artery cloggers!! Boy was it delish!!!!
I'm not a big meat eater and I'm really not a big beef eater - and my body practically shut down after my third helping of top sirloin!!! It was sooooooooo good though!! LOL It's a shame when your body is CLEARLY telling you to stop, but you just keep on punishing it with more food! And punishment it was. After a while, it wasn't even enjoyable anymore...yet, I kept on eating. I wonder if there is a name for that type of self-inflicted torture... *clicking on wikipedia*

After I came up from my beefy fog, I somehow came to the conclusion that dessert was a good idea. Why, you ask..... still trying to figure that out.
Tif and I got a chocolate lava cake with vanilla ice cream. This is one of my favorite desserts! It looks better than it tastes. It was okaaaaay, but I think my body was ready to reject anything else that tried to make an unwelcomed entrance! HA!

Damon got cheesecake. Bernadette was quite impressed with the size... it was kinda big!

All in all, a great night! Good food, good drink, good company!
Would I go back? Absolutely!
But for right now, no more. No thank you.
Will said he got no pics?
you're right! i didn't realize there were none of him...
you wouldn't believe how long it took me to write that post.... way too long! lol if i can find some time tonight.. i'll add a pic of him and the one of your sad little sausage.
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